[Inactive] DispNameChanger 3.0 - Change Names! + Spout [1000]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by captainawesome7, Apr 16, 2011.

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    Inactive. Being replaced by:
    DispNameChanger 3.o - Change anybody's display name!

    Version: 3.0
    DispNameChanger is a plugin that lets you easily change your display name or any other player's display name. I know there are other plugins that do this, but I think this is the only one (aside from /nick in essentials) that allows you to change YOUR name and ANYONE's name and permissions support. It now saves your name after you leave and loads it when you come back! *NEW* With Spout, this plugin also changes the name above the player's head and sends you a fancy notification!

    • Change the display name of a specified player, including yourself
    • Spout: If installed, changes player's names above heads
    • Permissions Support (Default is Permissions 2.7.x or 3.x) if not found, uses SuperPerms
    • PERSISTENCE! (Thanks to @Sammy for that one, he helped me a TON)
    • Supports Colors! (Thanks to @itsatacoshop247)
    • IMPORTANT: This plugin conflicts with Essentials, it doesn't work with this plugin. If you have essentials, you can just use /nick and change the nickname character to '' in the config, so it basically does the same thing :)
    Commands (open)
    Commands (open)

    The permissions default to the Permissions Plugin 2.7.x or 3.x
    If you don't have it installed it uses SuperPerms(PermissionsBukkit, bPermissions)
    • /rename <player> <new> - Changes the specified player to the specified name
    • /rename <player> - Resets the player's name
    • /rename - Reset's your own name
    • /checkname <player> - Checks the player's name (Not really working)

    The source code is included in the .jar (/me/captain/dnc/)

    Planned Changes
    None so far

    Version 3.0
    • This one was largely a community update.
    • New Features by Daxiongmao87:
      • New Permission nodes.
        • dispname.change for regular changing of your own name
        • dispname.changeother for regular changing of other's names (requires dispname.change)
        • dispname.changespace for changing names w/ spaces in them (requires dispname.change)
        • dispname.check for checking names (not really working)
    • New Features by Luke Zwekii:
      • Spout support!
    • If you run into any problems, be sure to let me know!
    Version 2.0
    • Added name above head changing support with BukkitContrib. If it isn't installed nothing will happen in regard to names above heads. Also, you have to have the BukkitContrib client mod installed to be able to see the changes.
    • Made join messages and leave messages use display name
    Changelog Cont. (open)
    Changelog Cont. (open)

    Version 1.4.2
    • Added the spaces into the name again, if you are using the iJobs plugin, don't update
    Version 1.4.1
    • Fixed the 'could not pass player join' error.
    Version 1.4
    • Fixed the conflict with iJobs, the plugin will no longer load your name if there is a space in it :)
    Version 1.3
    • PERSISTENCE YEEEAAAAHHHH (thanks to @Sammy)
    • ^Saves your name when you leave and loads it when you return :p ^
    Version 1.2
    • Added your name reset when you type /rename with no parameters, I will change this to /resetname soon
    Version 1.1
    Version 1.0
    • Original Release!

    [​IMG] To me to support my plugins :)
    Share the love with @Daxiongmao87 and @Luke Zwekii , They earned it!
  2. Offline


    @Jan Ivan Montenegro
    Ok, I guess you didn't do what I explained earlier, if you have a blank txt document, the error goes away. Try putting this file in your main craftbukkit directory, ebean.properties.
  3. the file is blank
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  6. Offline


    An update for what?
  7. @captainawesome7 nope still not working

    wait in the dispnamechange folder in the plugins dierctory is it supposed to be one db file only?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
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  9. hey im just gonna wait an update in which it will save your change name when you logback in
  10. Offline


    @Jan Ivan Montenegro Um, I seem to be asking this question alot lately, but are you retarded?
    That's what Persistence is, that is why there is a .db file, it DOES save the names when you log back in. If you can't get it working on your own then it isn't my fault. Do you even have SQLite?
  11. Offline


    Uhm, DispNameChanger? /selfname, /resetname, /namelist..?
  12. Offline


    Yeah i havent really been doing much with this, i will update it later :/
  13. Offline


    Hey captainawesome7, sorry if the answer to my question is blatantly obvious or has been answered before, but... How can you make it so a user's display name has a space in it?
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    @GROMkill Well currently you can't, because somebody reported problems with the iJobs plugin. If you want me to make a separate version that can contain spaces, just let me know.
  15. Offline


    You would make me and my server extremely happy and gracious if you did that :D We are a RP server, and having first names is too casual, but having underscores looks awkward :/ I don't use iJobs, so would a separate version that can use spaces be too much to ask for? :)

    Also, thanks for making this mod, I couldn't find any other simple yet effective ones out there. It totally enhances the RP on my server :)
  16. Offline


    @GROMkill Okay, redownload for the spaces put back into the name. It took me a few minutes (10) to fix there being a space at the end of the name for no reason, but I got it done. Everything is the same, but you can do
    /rename captainawesome7 &9The King Of &cDerp
    Would rename me to
    The King Of Derp
  17. Offline


    You're a champ, thanks sooooooo much :D I have since renamed my admin self to The Alpha and Omega.

    Thanks again, I really enjoy your mod!
  18. Not working on 803.
  19. Offline


    @Trash55 That's real helpful

    @Trash55 Just tested on 803, works perfectly.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  20. Offline

    Resident Emil

    I used this plugin, and it works fine (Bukkit 814 & MC 1.6.5). Great job!
    But, is there any way to also change the "label" shown over the renamed player in game? The reason is that I am running a server primarily intended for my son and his friends (they're a bunch of kids about 7-8 years old) and I am trying to find suitable plugins to role play some scenarios and quests for the. Specifically I am looking for a way to change my ingame name to act as different characters, i.e. Wizard, traveling merchant etcetera (I also change skin for different characters), and as long as they can see my ingame name above my character I can't create believable characters to role play. (Imagine the "Haha! That's just your dad goofing around!").
  21. Offline


    @Resident Emil No, there is no way to change the name shown above your head in game. Sorry, this is just another limitation of CraftBukkit. Also, there is no way to change the skin of a player, it is limited to your actual mc name.
  22. Offline

    Resident Emil

    @Captainawsome7 Thanks for the answer anyway. As a dedicated father I guess I'll have to buy another copy of MC with a non-descriptive name :)
    But changing skin is actually possible, you just have to do it through your profile on the minecraft.net website.
  23. Offline


    @Resident Emil Yeah, you can change it on the website but I thought you meant on the fly and in game.

    @Resident Emil I am actually going to go through craftbukkit and see what I can change in the actual code, and not just in a plugin, to try to add some extra functionality.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  24. Offline

    Resident Emil

    @captainawesome7 If you find anything that would make it possible to role play like that on a server, it would be amazing! Thanks for taking your time looking into this!
  25. Offline


    @Resident Emil I don't know what I will be able to accomplish, but I imagine there are things in CB that are overlooked.
  26. Offline

    Resident Emil

  27. Offline


    @Resident Emil I'm not big on RPG, but I will see what I can do. Making characters should be pretty easy, but I don't know about changing skins and names above players' heads.
  28. Offline

    Resident Emil

    @captainawesome7 I'm gratefull for anything you might develop in that direction!
  29. Offline


    Do you know what plugins this could not work with? Because it says that my name has changed then when I type it's still my standard name.
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  31. Offline


    I don't have either of those plugins though. But I'm thinking 'colorme' or 'commandbook' might be causing it? I've used colorme and this plugin before though and it worked fine :/

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