[INACTIVE][CHAT] ScheduledAnnouncer 1.8.1 - Auto Broadcasts by a Scheduler [1.1-R4]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by MiHo, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. Offline


    ScheduledAnnouncer [Version 1.8.1]

    Scheduled Announcer is a very simple tool, which only does what's its name told us. It automatically sends a broadcast out of a list controlled by a schedule.


    • Sends Scheduled Broadcast to all Players
    • Easy to configure by 'config.yml' or ingame with the '/announce' command.
    • Supports colors (&1, &2... &9, &a, &b... &f) and newlines with &n.
    • Supports executing commands inside Announcements. (Like "Now it will get day!&n/time day")
    • Supports newest Bukkit permissions system!

    How To Setup (open)

    1. Download the latest Release
    2. Drag&Drop the JAR file to your 'plugin/' directory
    3. Restart or reload your server

    There's a video tutorial on how to setup and configure that plugin on YouTube too. Thanks to BrandonHopkins!

    Configuration (open)
    # ScheduledAnnouncer Configuration File
    # =====================================
    # Don't use tabs in *.yml file!
        # Use this flag to temporary disable the announcements.
        # enabled: false, means that there wouldn't be any announcements.
        enabled: true
        # Set this to true will announce in random order.
        # 'false' will announce in sequential (one after another) order.
        random: false
        # Defines the prefix for the announcement. Use & + hex char 
        # for color codes.
        prefix: '&c[Announcement] '
        # The time of one interval in seconds.
        interval: 100
        # List of messages to announce. You could use color codes by
        # using & + hex chars too. &n will produce a new line.
        - 'This is the first default announcement!'
        - 'Use /announce help to get info how to config this plugin.'
        - 'You can also configure this plugin with its config.yml too!'

    Commands (open)
    /announce add <message>
    Needed Permission: announcer.add
    Adds a new announcement with the Message: <message>
    /announce broadcast [<index>]
    Needed Permissions: announcer.broadcast
    Broadcast an existing announcement NOW.
    /announce delete <index>
    Needed Permissions: announcer.delete
    Removes the announcement with the passed index.
    /announce enable [true|false]
    Needed Permissions: announcer.moderate
    Enables or disables the announcer.
    /announce interval <seconds>
    Needed Permissions: announcer.moderate
    Sets the seconds between the announcements.
    Calling it without an interval to set will return the current interval.
    /announce list
    Needed Permissions: announcer.moderate
    Lists all announcements.
    /announce random [true|false]
    Needed Permissions: announcer.moderate
    Enables or disables the random announcing mode.
    Only calling /announce random without true or false, will return current mode.
    /announce reload
    Needed Permissions: announcer.admin
    Reloads the config.yml.

    Changelog (Version 1.8.1):

    • Fixed problem with announcing randomly.

    Changelog (Version 1.8):

    • Made Prefix fully customizable. (Changed the configuration a bit...)
    • Added '/announce prefix <text>' command.
    • Default configuration file is now created if there isn't any. (No more ZIP-downloads necessary, simply drag&drop the JAR-file)
    Older Changelogs (open)
    Version 1.7.1:
    • Fix problems with executing commands
    • Works with 1.1-R5-SNAPSHOT
    Version 1.7.0:
    • Implemented support for new bukkit permissions system
    • Supports /announce now as alias for /announce broadcast
    Version 1.6.3:
    • Fixed 'sendToAll' bug, caused by invalid attaching process to Permissions.
    Version 1.6.2:
    • Fixed 'sendToAll' color codes bug.
    Version 1.6.1:
    • Do not show empty tag brackets. (When setting tag to '' or null)
    Version 1.6:
    • Added pages in /announce list command.
    • Fixed saving after deleting a Announcement.
    Version 1.5:
    • Added multiline support (with &n you could produce a new line inside one Announcement).
    • Added a support for executing Announcements as commands, if they start with a backslash.
    Version 1.4:
    • Added color support (with &1, &2, ... &f in Messages)
    • Added a seperated color setting for tag and message (See Config Spoiler this Thread)
    Version 1.3:
    • Added the feature to only send Announcement with the Permission "announcer.receiver". Need to set the flag: "announcement.sendToAll" in the ScheduledAnnouncer 'config.yml'.
    Version 1.2.2:
    • Changed the example config file, cause of a mistake in it.
    Version 1.2.1:
    • Bugfix for /announce interval bug.
    Version 1.2:
    • Added many new commands to configure it ingame. (/announce reload, /announce enable, /announce broadcast and /announce random)
    • Ability to choose between Random Mode and Sequential Mode.
    • Use different Permissions for different kind of tasks.
    Version 1.1:
    • Enables to change the color of the Broadcast in config.yml
    • Calling '/announce interval' without any paramater now returns the current interval.
    • Changed the name of the JAR to "ScheduledAnnouncer.jar" (Please delete the old one before update!)
    Version 1.0.2:
    • Support for CraftBukkit 670...
    Version 1.0.1:
    • Small bug fix...
    Version 1.0:
    • First Release!
  2. Offline


    Thanks to BrandonHopkins for the great video tutorial on ScheduledAnnouncer:
  3. Offline


    when the auto messages enters, i get like random errors on my console
  4. Offline


    Hi , i´m getting this error message when trying to use your Plugin :

    Sometimes it works for a couple of announcments after i reload the plugin.
  5. Offline


    Since I updated to 1.8, the plugin is not broadcasting nothing .... all is enabled in the config.yml file and is generating some exceptions.
  6. Offline


    Same here.

    16:29:37 [WARNING] Task of 'ScheduledAnnouncer' generated an exception
    java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -32
            at java.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source)
            at at.co.hohl.Announcer.AnnouncerPlugin.announce(AnnouncerPlugin.java:12
            at at.co.hohl.Announcer.AnnouncerThread.run(AnnouncerThread.java:64)
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(C
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:503)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:435)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:465)
    This happened on player join. And no announces were displayed after that.

  7. Offline


    This plugin is breaking with R5. Will it be updated?
  8. Offline


    Since 1.7.1 it is compatible to R5

    Fixes the crashes when using 'random': http://files.hohl.cc/0r472o3Y0O1Y3T2c2T2C (see latest posts on this thread)

    Probably you miss the 'announcer.reciever' permissions? The permission is given to everybody by default.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  9. Offline


    It wont show my announcements that I put in the config.yml file. It goes to the default ones. My config.yml file is like this:

    # ScheduledAnnouncer Configuration File
    # =====================================
    # Don't use tabs in *.yml file!

    # Use this flag to temporary disable the announcements.
    # enabled: false, means that there wouldn't be any announcements.
    enabled: true

    # Set this to true will announce in random order.
    # 'false' will announce in sequential (one after another) order.
    random: true

    # Defines the prefix for the announcement. Use & + hex char for color codes.
    prefix: '&c[Announcement] '

    # The time of one interval in seconds.
    interval: 100

    # List of messages to announce. You could use color codes by using & + hex chars too.
    - 'Welcome to Chris's Minecraft Server!'
    - 'Type /home and go outside to look at the rules!'
    - 'An OP doesnt have to let a new player out anymore!'
  10. Offline


    I am getting errors running R5 1963 and ScheduledAnnouncer 1.8.1

    2012-02-28 21:30:16 [SEVERE] Error occurred (in the plugin loader) while enabling ScheduledAnnouncer v1.8.1 (Is it up to date?)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:332)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:364)
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:227)
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:210)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.t(MinecraftServer.java:357)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:344)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:175)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:408)
    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:465)
  11. Offline


    Nevermind..I used the in-game config and it worked perfectly
  12. Offline


    Using R5 builds, I get this.

    2012-02-28 12:16:42 [SEVERE] null initializing ScheduledAnnouncer v1.8.1 (Is it up to date?)
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(CraftServer.java:194)
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.<init>(CraftServer.java:166)
    at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.<init>(ServerConfigurationManager.java:52)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:148)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:408)
    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:465)
  13. Offline


    Oh my gosh thank you so much for making this before now I have been sending messages to my players manually, but now I can spend way more time killing them with lighting and random zombie attacks.
  14. Offline


    The first Broadcast Message Plugin that works and with no lagg Works [diamond][diamond]
  15. Offline


    this is my preferred way to message my members i really do hope you upgrade to the r5/r6 and thx for all your time spent on this
  16. Offline


    Is this ready for 1.2? I am using this plug-in and it works beautiful, but not right now because it says error when i run the server with 1.2. So is this working on 1.2 minecraft server? If it not please could you update?
  17. Offline


    Update to 1.2 please !
  18. Offline


    Yes, 1.2 update would be great!
  19. Offline


    This is a perfect plugins, who want update it?
  20. Offline


    Please update to 1.2.3 R0.1
    Noxturno likes this.
  21. Offline


    Why is it inactive this is my favorite announcer :(
  22. Offline


    Best plugin !! please update :)
  23. Offline


    This was so easy plug-in to use. I really hope you update it for 1.2.
  24. Offline


    Definitely my favorite plugin for announcements. It's sad to see it inactive.
  25. Offline


  26. Offline


    Been using this plugin for ages yet its not compat for 123 D:
    why did you have to go inactive just before a R5 release?
  27. Offline


    This plugin is important to my server also.
  28. Offline


    Can you please update this to 1.2.3 because it's such a good plugin.
  29. Offline


    Need update for 1.2.3 RO.2 please.
  30. Offline


    How can update it ? Plz....
  31. Offline


    In for update.

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