[INACTIVE][ADMN/TP] XcraftGate v0.9.1 - Multiworldmanager/-teleporter [1060-1185]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Engelier, Jun 4, 2011.

  1. Offline


    XcraftGate - Version: v0.9.1

    XcraftGate started as a replacement for EpicGates and it's successor RealTeleporter. In the meantime it has grown to a complete worldmanagement solution.

    • Create/Delete new worlds (such as Nether, or a specific world for mining, or ...)
    • Set borders for your worlds, so nobody can explore beyond a specific point
    • Create Teleporters between your worlds or to/from your points of interest.
    • Limit the amount of creature spawns on your worlds
    • Completely deny monster or animal spawns on your worlds
    • Allow/Deny PvP on your worlds
    • Allow/Deny weather changes on your worlds

    • /gworld - World management tool
      /gworld list - lists your active worlds
      /gworld info <worldname> - displays some basic info about a world
      /gworld listplayers <worldname> - lists the players currently running around in that world
      /gworld create <worldname> [environment [seed]] - creates a new world on your server, <environment> may be "normal", "nether" or "skylands". defaults to "normal" if left blank
      /gworld listenv - lists all available environments/chunkgenerators usable with /gworld create
      /gworld delete <worldname> - unloads a world (and deletes it from the plugin's database)
      /gworld load <wprödname> - loads a given world
      /gworld unload <worldname> - unloads a given world
      /gworld setsticky <worldname> - controls if a world will be automatically loaded/unloaded with dynamic world loading enabled
      /gworld keepspawninmemory <worldname> - controls if a world's spawn is always kept in memory
      /gworld warpto <worldname> - teleports you to the world <name>
      /gworld setborder <worldname> <#> - sets the border for world <name> to <#> (denies exploration beyond x/z +/- <#>)
      /gworld setcreaturelimit <worldname> <#> - limits creature spawns to a maximum of <#> creatures for the world
      /gworld allowanimals <worldname> <true|false> - Allows or denys animal spawns on world <name>
      /gworld allowmonsters <worldname> <true|false> - Allows or denys monster spawns on world <name>
      /gworld suppresshealthregain <worldname> <true|false> - Suppresses automatic health regaining when allowmonsters is set to false
      /gworld allowpvp <worldname> <true|false> - Allows or denys PvP combat on world <name>
      /gworld allowweatherchange <worldname> <true|false> - Allows or denys weather to change on world <name>
      /gworld setweather <worldname> <sun|storm> - Sets the current weather for world <name> (ignores allowWeatherChange setting)
      /gworld timefrozen <worldname> <true|false> - (Un)freezes the current time on world <name>
      /gworld settime <worldname> <sunrise|noon|sunset|midnight> - Sets the current time for world <name> (also sets time for timefrozen)
    • /gate - Gate management tool
      /gate create <gatename> - creates a new teleportation point at your current position - make sure you look at the direction your users should look at, when they ARRIVE at this point
      /gate move <gatename> - moves a gates location to your current position
      /gate delete <gatename> - deletes a teleportation point
      /gate link <gatename1> <gatename2> - creates a link from <name1> to <name2>, so when you step on <name1> you will be teleported to <name2>
      /gate loop <gatename1> <gatename2> - same as /gate link, but for both ways
      /gate unlink <gatename> - deletes the destination for <name1>
      /gate unloop <gatename1> <gatename2> - deletes a loop between the two gates (if it exists)
      /gate info <gatename> - displays some basic info about a gate
      /gate list - lists all gates in all worlds in alphabetical order
      /gate listnear [radius] - lists all gates near you (radius defaults to 10, BE CAREFUL WITH BIG NUMBERS!)
      /gate listsolo - lists all gates without a source or destination
      /gate warp <gatename> - teleports you to the given teleportation point
      /gate reload - reloads all gates from gates.yml

    Video: HowTo create gates

    XcraftGate.* - permission to use everything this plugin provides

    XcraftGate.use.* - permission to use all gates
    XcraftGate.use.<gatename> - permission to use a gate

    XcraftGate.gate - access to /gate
    XcraftGate.gate.* - access to all /gate commands
    XcraftGate.gate.create - /gate create, /gate move
    XcraftGate.gate.link - /gate link, /gate loop
    XcraftGate.gate.unlink - /gate unlink, /gate unloop
    XcraftGate.gate.delete - /gate delete
    XcraftGate.gate.info - /gate listsolo, /gate list, /gate listnear, /gate info
    XcraftGate.gate.warp - /gate warp
    XcraftGate.gate.reload - /gate reload

    XcraftGate.world - access to /gworld
    XcraftGate.world.* - access to all /gworld commands
    XcraftGate.world.create - /gworld create
    XcraftGate.world.delete - /gworld delete
    XcraftGate.world.warp - /gworld warpto
    XcraftGate.world.setborder - /gworld setborder
    XcraftGate.world.setcreaturelimit - /gworld setcreaturelimit, /gworld allowanimals, /gworld allowmonsters, /gworld suppresshealthregain
    XcraftGate.world.pvp - /gworld allowpvp
    XcraftGate.world.weather - /gworld allowweatherchange, /gworld setweather
    XcraftGate.world.time - /gworld settime, /gworld timefrozen
    XcraftGate.world.info - /gworld info, /gworld list

    If you don't use a permissions plugin, only OPs are allowed to use those commands and all users are allowed to use all gates.

    Stable Version (use this if unsure): XcraftGate.jar (wget friendly)

    Some people are repeatedly asking for development versions, so here it is:
    Development Version: XcraftGate-Dev.jar (wget friendly)
    Development Changelog (open)

    • implemented chunk resending on teleport - should fix death/lag on arrival
    • rewrote plugin management
    • added Register support
    • added /gate rename <gate> <newname>
    • added /gate settoll <gate> <amount> - set amount of money to be taken from the users account when he uses the gate
    • added /gate setdenysilent <gate> <true|false> - don't print error messages when gate usage is denied by permission or not enough money
    • added /gworld suppresshunger - prevents foodbar depletion on the given world
    • added /gworld setspawn - sets the spawn to your current location
    • added /gworld setgamemode <world> <survival|creative> - sets gamemode for the world
    • added /gworld setdifficulty <world> <peaceful|easy|normal|hard> - sets difficulty for the world
    • added /gworld setannouncedeath <world> <true|false> - set if player deaths in the given world should be broadcasted
    • /gworld suppresshealthregain now also affects health regaining by saturation
    • new worlds now obey the spawn-monsters and spawn-animals settings in your server.properties
    • "fixed" bukkit leaking tears when not using SuperPerms

    Put the XcraftGate.jar into your plugins folder and reload/restart your server. All files will be created automatically.

    If you already have some extra worlds add them with /gworld create <name> <environment>. If there's already a world with the same name in your server's folder, it won't be freshly generated, but just get loaded.

    Do not edit the config files manually, as your changes will get overwritten on reload/restart. Use the ingame commands. Tell me when there's an option missing.

    Is there a way I can clear the inventory of anyone entering a specific world? (open)

    Use MultiInv.

    Can we have something like /gworld allowflying? (open)

    No. This is a global setting controlled by craftbukkit. Plugins are not able to change that.

    How do I allow my users to use all gates? (open)

    Add the following permission to your users: XcraftGate.use.*

    Source Code:
    github (Licence: GPLv3)


    I put a lot of work into XcraftGate and intend to do so in the future. If you're able to efford some EUR to motivate me further, I'd really appreciate it :)
    Note: For sure donating is purely optional! XcraftGate is released under the terms of GPLv3, so you have (and will always have) the freedom to use, study, share and improve it as you like!

    Version 0.9.1 (CB1060+)
    • fixed NPE in /gate listsolo
    • changed the way gates teleport players - should fix spawning to high
    Version 0.9 (CB1060)
    • enabled gworld-commands (except "warpto") to be used from the console
    • added support for SuperPerms
    • implemented dynamic world loading - on startup only your default
      world(s) will get loaded. Any other world will be loaded as soon as a
      player tries to access that world and will be unloaded when no player is
      active in that world for 5min. Disabled by default. This can be enabled/tweaked in the config.yml
      Please be aware of this bug when playing around with this feature.
    • added /gworld load
    • added /gworld unload
    • added /gworld setsticky (controls if a world will be automatically loaded/unloaded with dynamic world loading enabled)
    • added /gworld keepspawninmemory
    • implemented custom chunkgenerators (referred to as additional "environments") - currently available: flatlands, island, hillvalley
    • implemented getDefaultChunkGenerator(), enabling craftbukkit to use the custom ChunkGenerators for your default world(s)
      Example (open)

      in your bukkit.yml:
                 generator: XcraftGate:FLATLANDS
    • added /gworld listenv - shows available environments
    • new worlds now obey the pvp-setting in server.properties
    Version 0.8
    • added seed argument to /gworld create
    • added /gate reload
    • added /gate move
    • added /gate info
    • added /gate list
    • added /gate listnear
    • added /gworld listplayers
    • added permissions for gates (XcraftGate.use.<gateName>)
    • worlds with active players cannot be deleted anymore
    • /gworld info now shows the environment
    • improved world detection
    • probably fixed ConcurrentModificationExceptions
    • probably fixed off-gate spawning (corresponding gates have to be recreated)
    • fixed animals always despawning on server reload/restart
    • another workaround for the PLAYER_MOVE event location bug (fixes players getting stuck when reaching the border)
    • fixed /gate warp triggering the target gate
    Older Changes (open)

    Version 0.7.2 (minimum CB-Version: 949, recommended: 953)
    • Update for CB953/MC1.7
    • Food working again as expected
    • added workaround for move-event location bug introduced in CB949 (fixes endless loops, again)
    Version 0.7.1
    • Great, seems using food also triggers the regain-health-event, so supresshealthregain will suppress that, too. Mostly fixed. Cookies still won't work. I've no better solution at the moment. :/
    Version 0.7 (minimum CB-Version: 896, recommended: 935)
    • added /gworld settime
    • added /gworld timefrozen
    • added /gworld suppresshealthregain - craftbukkit automagically let users regain health when allowmonsters is set to false. So we have to control this ourselfs.
      NOTE: XcraftGate automatically sets allowmonsters to false, when the creaturelimit is reached
    • removed "moved too quickly"-workaround
    • removed bukkit-bypass for spawncontrol
    • /gworld info now displays the world's seed
    • /gworld warpto now teleports you to the spawn location of the given world (no more searching for a safe spot in sky worlds)
    Version 0.6.2
    • made teleport check more restrictive (fixed endless loops)
    Version 0.6.1
    • fixed allowAnimals/-Monsters flag handling
    • added workaround for commands not being registered correctly by craftbukkit when being enabled by another plugin
    Version 0.6 (minimum CB-Version: 860)
    • rewrote world management - should fix most problems/inconsistencys
    • added /gworld allowpvp
    • added /gworld allowweatherchange
    • added /gworld setweather (ignores allowWeatherChange setting)
    • /gworld warpto now trys to find a save spot in a 64 block radius around the destination and denys teleport when unable to find one
    Version 0.5 (minimum CB-Version: 834)
    • check for creaturelimit regulary, instead on ENTITY_DEATH. Fixes creature counts dropping very low on low population servers
    • changes are now saved immediately, instead only in onDisable() (reload/restart)
    • added option to completely deny animals or monster spawns on a world
    • removed workaround for crossworld teleportation bug in CB818
    • unload world on /gworld delete
    • added support for SKYLANDS environment
    • complete permission nodes overhaul (s. above for the new permission nodes)
    Version 0.4.1
    • tweaked creatureLimit so the server doesn't try to spawn new creatures when the limit is reached (fixes "Can't keep up"-Spam)
    • typofix
    Version 0.4
    • added /gworld setcreaturelimit -- limits creature spawns
    • added /gworld info -- displays some basic info
    • border now defaults to 0 (disabled) instead of Integer.MAX_VALUE
    Version 0.3
    • public release
    regzand, Masterflapdrol and Rwembee like this.
  2. Offline

    Ronny Hålmås

    Perfect Plugin! This is what a good server need, and a server who wants to be good :p
    Keep working at this awsome plugin! XD
  3. Offline


    Could you update this plugin to the BukkitDev #1550, i get this error starting up my server.
    Its not due to residence because after taking of XcraftGate, this error was gone.
  4. Offline


    Im having major problems. I have a few worlds in my server directory and only the world in the server.yml and the nether is working. I also have nether disabled but it keeps coming back everytime I delete it. I have tried everything man please help. My server DEPENDS on Multi Worlds!
  5. Offline


    Use the DEV build.
  6. Offline


    Are the tickets being looked at currently? Asking because reloading "locks" players when XCG is enabled...
  7. Hey, when i tried to install this server, this error ocoured:

    18:48:59 [INFO] [XcraftGate v0.9.1] by Engelier loaded.
    18:48:59 [ALLVARLIG] java.lang.NullPointerException
    18:48:59 [ALLVARLIG] at de.xcraft.engelier.XcraftGate.SetWorld.load(SetWorld.java:37)
    18:48:59 [ALLVARLIG] at de.xcraft.engelier.XcraftGate.XcraftGate.onEnable(XcraftGate.java:130)
    18:48:59 [ALLVARLIG] at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:183)
    18:48:59 [ALLVARLIG] at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:957)
    18:48:59 [ALLVARLIG] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:280)
    18:48:59 [ALLVARLIG] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:176)
    18:48:59 [ALLVARLIG] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:159)
    18:48:59 [ALLVARLIG] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.<init>(CraftServer.java:118)
    18:48:59 [ALLVARLIG] at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.<init>(ServerConfigurationManager.java:52)
    18:48:59 [ALLVARLIG] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:141)
    18:48:59 [ALLVARLIG] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:388)
    18:48:59 [ALLVARLIG] at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:457)
    18:48:59 [INFO] [XcraftGate v0.9.1] loaded 0 world configurations
    18:48:59 [ALLVARLIG] java.lang.NullPointerException
    18:48:59 [ALLVARLIG] at de.xcraft.engelier.XcraftGate.SetGate.load(SetGate.java:37)
    18:48:59 [ALLVARLIG] at de.xcraft.engelier.XcraftGate.XcraftGate.onEnable(XcraftGate.java:131)
    18:48:59 [ALLVARLIG] at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:183)
    18:48:59 [ALLVARLIG] at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:957)
    18:48:59 [ALLVARLIG] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:280)
    18:48:59 [ALLVARLIG] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:176)
    18:48:59 [ALLVARLIG] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:159)
    18:48:59 [ALLVARLIG] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.<init>(CraftServer.java:118)
    18:48:59 [ALLVARLIG] at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.<init>(ServerConfigurationManager.java:52)
    18:48:59 [ALLVARLIG] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:141)
    18:48:59 [ALLVARLIG] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:388)
    18:48:59 [ALLVARLIG] at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:457)
    18:48:59 [INFO] [XcraftGate v0.9.1] loaded 0 gates
    18:48:59 [INFO] Preparing level "world"
    18:48:59 [INFO] Default game type: 0
    18:48:59 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: -2389253451568302029)
    18:49:00 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: -2389253451568302029)
    18:49:00 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 40%
    18:49:00 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 2 (Seed: -2389253451568302029)
    18:49:01 [INFO] [XcraftGate v0.9.1] World 'world' detected. Adding to config.
    18:49:01 [INFO] [XcraftGate v0.9.1] loaded 0 gates for world 'world'
    18:49:01 [INFO] [XcraftGate v0.9.1] World 'world_nether' detected. Adding to config.
    18:49:01 [INFO] [XcraftGate v0.9.1] loaded 0 gates for world 'world_nether'
    18:49:01 [INFO] [XcraftGate v0.9.1] World 'world_skylands' detected. Adding to config.
    18:49:01 [INFO] [XcraftGate v0.9.1] loaded 0 gates for world 'world_skylands'
  8. Offline


    Great plugin!
    Could you add Minecart Support?
  9. Offline


    I am running the newest CB rec build and the latest dev build of xcraftgate and I found a bug. I am trying to import my skylands map and when I do a '/gworld load skylands' it says that it is an unknown world. When I attempt to use the old method of importing by using the create command it returns that skyland is an unknown environment. Anyone have any ideas?
  10. Offline


    Could you please update it to 1597 / 1.0.1-R1 ?
  11. Offline


    how can i set up the spawn point?
  12. Offline


    What he said. [diamond]
  13. Offline


    I have a few worlds on my server and i just created a new one... but when i try to use a nether portal in the 1.0 world it doesnt work... it doesnt generate a new nether... Do you know why?
  14. Offline


    I cannot create skylands anymore
  15. Offline


    I am using MC 1.0.0, CB 1.0.1-R1 and the permissions plugin by TheYeti and on my server it is definitively not working correctly.
    gate works fine (links, loops) but gworld not: I created a new world and used warpto to warp to it. After some time I was on this new world, but could not place blocks. When I tried to use warpto to warp back, the plugin told me that I did not have permissions to access that (any, also gate) command. Then I got back by teleporting to another player and found out that there the situation was not better: When I tried to place a block, the placed block and the block under the place block disappeared. Then I deleted the Plugin and everything was like before I started the server.
    Are there any plugin conflicts? I am using some outdated plugins, but this should not be a problem I guess.
    It would be very nice if you described the configuration options of the worlds.
  16. Does someone know if this plugin fully works with Minecraft 1.0.0?
  17. Offline


    The Permissions doesn´t work :-( You dont have access to go here
  18. Offline


    OK ... now I finally now how to work with this plugin:
    1. You have to change the permissions for the new world. If you are admin in your home world, you may not be in the created new one. (I know I could have known this.)
    2. When placing a block XcraftGate usually deletes both the places and the block underneath it. You can only stop this by left-clicking the block you want to place an new block, replacing him (the block) and the placing the new block on him. Please fix this!!!
  19. Offline


    What permission plugins does it go with?
  20. Offline


    Will this be updated to 1.0.0 because it is an essential part of my server.
  21. Offline


    Is there any way to allow Xcraft to load the worlds before the plugins are loaded for a server. The plugin MobArena grabs the world data and an error is cause when the world hasn't been loaded yet for it to grab. Just wanted to know, love your plugin, keep up the good work.
  22. Offline


    Is there any way to allow tnt for one world and disable it for another?
  23. Offline


    I think this plugin is going some thing to my superflat map that i Made in SP and imported to the server the map now seems to have Biomes (it didnt in sp) and It seems to have like half void fog its kind of weird.

    Ontop of that im lost in the middle of a flat map unable to find the stuff i pasted with mcedit no doubt thats my fault..
  24. Offline


    How could this plugin support 1.1 without a bukkit-build supporting it?
  25. Offline


    I have an important question, please help me! If i create a new world, my Server goes down and makes errors endless. And also i cant join it anymore, always errors after the load. It only happens, if i add a new world. What do I have to do to make it work?
  26. Offline


    There are Dev builds that are more than stable for use.
  27. Offline


    More than stable? I don't think so!
  28. Offline


    Nevermind, it works now. Really great plugin!:)
  29. Offline


    That's strange... I've been running my server since alpha when SMP was first released I've had my server running a 1.1 Dev build for over a week now Not a single crash or issue has appeared what was not some minor Permissions issue that I broke...

    Mod Edit (c0mp): Removed personal attack
  30. That's because Skylands generator was in MC.

    When they release the MC 1.0, they remove the SKYLANDS !

    So now, XGateCraft, must add it to his code ... i've got the same problem on my server.

    We just wait.
  31. Offline


    I can't deny monster spawn or animal it's dont work-> Minecraft 1.1 Bukkit Newest Develope Version for 1.1 And Plugin Version 0.9.1

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