[INACTIVE][ADMN] SimpleSave v3.25 Simple automatic saving! [000] - Backups!

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by desmin88, Mar 11, 2011.

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  2. Offline


  3. Offline


    @desmin88 using the fix Andys provided earlier (which is the same as V10's) makes it work if your config says
    plugin.ignore.noplayers=false. It wouldn't count players, and thus never start the timers. I suppose turning that to true would have saved a bunch of time and made this work, but I never realized I should until it wasn't working (and didn't know that the missing counter was the reason). As it stands now, with them adding the one line in to count players, having plugin.ignore.noplayers=false works again. figured you should know :)
  4. Offline


    *SADFACE* i love this plugin, i only ever got 2 errors with one of which was because i forgot to plugin my external HDD :D
    but seriously this was & is the best plugin i ever come across, it does backups & saves (i dont want 2 plugins todo the job of one!) also it allowed me to make backups to external drive unlike most backup plugins !
  5. Offline


    Idiots? Really? The simple fact is that this plugin doesn't work right and to be honest hasn't worked properly since I've started using it. Yes some people really shouldn't be running a server, but at least as many issues are with the plugin itself. I always gave you the benefit of the doubt and figured it was Notch's crappy code or something. But I've tried other things that work better.

    Oh and people generally respond better when you aren't calling them names...

    Anyway, good luck with your next endeavor...
  6. Offline


    Yup, idiots, and most competent people agree with me.
    Plugin works fine, people post reports due to user errors, then give me no reproduction steps or just stacktraces.
    Anyways, I don't like this plugin anyway, working on MobDisguise in the WIP
  7. Offline


    ummm, generally you can figure out whats going wrong with just a stack trace... repro steps are nice, but are over-kill for most bugs.
    but i do agree, most users don't seem to be able to read. and then they wonder why it doesn't work correctly. -_-
  8. Offline


    I have backup set to false on a fresh config file, but it still seems to make backups in /backup folder :/
  9. Offline


    This plugin says incative. I really wish you'd fork it. Its on github, meaning its Open Source. PLEASE pick it up and keep it working!
  10. Offline


    Well, honestly It would be a PITA to keep any plugin up-to-date, resolve conflicts with other plugins every other day, reply to confused first-time users, etc etc. I can understand why desmin88 got tired and dropped it.
    Btw that may sound silly, I never actually tested if the plugin is working correctly (like run /ssbackup, kill java process and try if the backup actually has all latest changes)...
    What I probably would do is to update it regularly for my own server (since I read bukkit-dev faq and now know how to open/modify/save plugins). It bukkit's api would change drastically and plugin would stop working altogether, I won't be able to update it anymore.
  11. Offline


    INACTIVE?!?! Please dont tell me he is discontinueing his plug-in :( Now I need to find something else for the next update as this was really ideal.
  12. I agree, but I can't blame him. This plugin was very time consuming to keep up to date.
  13. Offline


    Arnt they all ?? Im not knocking the guy if hes got real life in the way..or something came up then fair enough..but when u commit too make something that alot of people have come to depend on..isn't it something u should spend the time to keep going with?
  14. Perhaps, but its never an obligation. He has worked on this plugin for quite a while. I guess it's time to use a different backup plugin.
  15. Offline


    Since I use this plugin and have discovered it to be now inactive and latest version to be slightly non-functional, I decided to peruse the thread a bit and have compiled @V10 and @Andys suggestions/fixes into version 3.3, which can be downloaded here. This works for me (Bukkit build #1000) and anyone is welcome to use it, but I do not accept responsibility if it munches your world save.

    Also @desmin88 , for the record, don't slag off your users and say that all issues with SimpleSave are due to user error. I, like @Andys, have looked through your source code and while the plugin is great, the code behind it could do with some serious fixing up.

    I would offer to maintain this myself, but in a weeks time I'm travelling around the world... so may not have a whole deal of time. :)
  16. Offline


    Arhh, Inactive :L
  17. Offline


    Hey, I love the plugin, but It shut my server down on its own. I checked up on my console because the server was down and it said Press Any Key To Continue...
    Here is the last few parts of the log, it isn't sphereworld because it was happening before I got that plugin.
    2011-08-07 20:15:42 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Beginning world save
    2011-08-07 20:15:42 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Ending world save
    2011-08-07 20:15:45 [INFO] [SphereWorld] Autosaved Chunklist
  18. Offline


    Considering you did not pay a cent for his work, he has all the right to discontinue his plugin.
  19. Offline


    won't work for me, plz upgrade it or something, i really want to use it for my server, thanks ...
  20. Offline


    Nothing happend~! when I typed /backup.
    Just show 2011-08-09 03:41:52 [INFO] Backup started

    I think this is the reson.
    I have 5 worlds.
    So I changed to 'backup.history.length=30'
    But nothing happend.
    2011-08-09 03:47:03 [INFO] SimpleSave: Parts of config file are blank, but not null. Possible errors might happen.
    2011-08-09 03:47:03 [INFO] SimpleSave: DON'T! Post this 'warning' on the thread.
    2011-08-09 03:47:03 [INFO] SimpleSave: 3.25 Initialized
  21. Offline


    You plugin told me to post the fallowing information
    2011-08-08 09:19:14 [INFO] SimpleSave: Current save interval is 10 minute(s)
    2011-08-08 09:19:14 [INFO] SimpleSave: Current backup interval is 60 minute(s)
    2011-08-08 09:19:14 [INFO] player join, heres var s 3
    2011-08-08 13:51:53 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-08-08 13:51:53 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Beginning world save
    2011-08-08 13:51:53 [WARNING] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?
    2011-08-08 13:51:53 [SEVERE] java.net.SocketException: Socket closed
    2011-08-08 13:51:53 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Ending world save
    2011-08-08 13:51:53 [SEVERE] at java.net.SocketOutputStream.socketWrite(Unknown Source)
    2011-08-08 13:51:53 [SEVERE] at java.net.SocketOutputStream.write(Unknown Source)
    2011-08-08 13:51:53 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Beginning world backup
    2011-08-08 13:51:53 [SEVERE] at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flushBuffer(Unknown Source)
    2011-08-08 13:51:53 [SEVERE] at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flush(Unknown Source)
    2011-08-08 13:51:53 [SEVERE] at java.io.DataOutputStream.flush(Unknown Source)
    2011-08-08 13:51:53 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NetworkWriterThread.run(SourceFile:116)
    2011-08-08 13:52:00 [INFO] Manlyman101 lost connection: disconnect.endOfStream
    2011-08-08 13:52:00 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Beginning world backup
    2011-08-08 13:52:00 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Beginning world save
    2011-08-08 13:52:00 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Ending world save
    2011-08-08 13:52:01 [WARNING] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] SimpleSave: Error when copying files!
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] SimpleSave: This means a plugin you have is not acting nice, or isn't threadsafe
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] SimpleSave: Go to my thread and post the following information
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [INFO] Unable to delete file: backup\world\region\r.1.-2.mcrnull
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] java.io.IOException: Unable to delete file: backup\world\region\r.1.-2.mcr
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] at com.apache.commons.FileUtils.forceDelete(FileUtils.java:462)
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] at com.apache.commons.FileUtils.cleanDirectory(FileUtils.java:426)
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] at com.apache.commons.FileUtils.deleteDirectory(FileUtils.java:360)
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] at com.apache.commons.FileUtils.forceDelete(FileUtils.java:454)
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] at com.apache.commons.FileUtils.cleanDirectory(FileUtils.java:426)
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] at com.apache.commons.FileUtils.deleteDirectory(FileUtils.java:360)
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] at org.desmin88.simplesave.Backup.backup(Backup.java:52)
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] at org.desmin88.simplesave.SimpleSave$BackupMethod.run(SimpleSave.java:151)
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.scheduler.CraftWorker.run(CraftWorker.java:34)
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] SimpleSave: Error when copying files!
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] SimpleSave: This means a plugin you have is not acting nice, or isn't threadsafe
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] SimpleSave: Go to my thread and post the following information
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [INFO] Failed to copy full contents from 'world_nether\DIM-1\region\r.0.-1.mcr' to 'backup\world_nether\DIM-1\region\r.0.-1.mcr'null
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] java.io.IOException: Failed to copy full contents from 'world_nether\DIM-1\region\r.0.-1.mcr' to 'backup\world_nether\DIM-1\region\r.0.-1.mcr'
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] at com.apache.commons.FileUtils.doCopyFile(FileUtils.java:310)
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] at com.apache.commons.FileUtils.doCopyDirectory(FileUtils.java:265)
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] at com.apache.commons.FileUtils.doCopyDirectory(FileUtils.java:263)
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] at com.apache.commons.FileUtils.doCopyDirectory(FileUtils.java:263)
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] at com.apache.commons.FileUtils.copyDirectory(FileUtils.java:230)
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] at com.apache.commons.FileUtils.copyDirectory(FileUtils.java:156)
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] at com.apache.commons.FileUtils.copyDirectory(FileUtils.java:125)
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] at org.desmin88.simplesave.Backup.backup(Backup.java:44)
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] at org.desmin88.simplesave.SimpleSave$BackupMethod.run(SimpleSave.java:151)
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Unknown Source)
    2011-08-08 13:52:04 [SEVERE] at java.util.TimerThread.run(Unknown Source)
    2011-08-08 13:52:06 [INFO] SimpleSave: Deleting old backups
    2011-08-08 13:52:07 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Ending world backup
    2011-08-08 13:52:08 [INFO] SimpleSave: Deleting old backups
    2011-08-08 13:52:08 [INFO] [SimpleSave] Ending world backup
  22. Offline


    The name of thisplugin is Extremely misleading. it works when I FORCE a save /save-all if I dont do that it does not save ever. the config file is really misleading. the couple of options in there. I just didnt see it do a backup once in 4 hours. so i forced one and now im looking for another plugin that works.
  23. Offline


    Misleading is not plugin itself but rather a lack of proper documentation.
    Out of box it won't run backups if no players are online, and probably you're better off using fixed version in this post instead of vanilla
  24. Offline


  25. Offline


    When my server is going to save I get "Read timed out" for a couple of minutes. How to fix this?
  26. Offline


    Jebus, there is zero commenting in this code. How on earth is anyone supposed to pick this up and make more modifications without having to spend days sifting through everything?

    On a less critical note, my server appears to be having issues keeping SimpleSave turned on lately. The plugin appears to just be turning itself off / failing and shutting down. Initial thought was that the program was losing track of how many players were logged in, assumed there were zero, and shut down the backup function, but I can't seem to see an issue with the code. Thoughts?
  27. Offline


    IMO, there's really no need for comments, code is pretty simple and all functions have proper descriptive names. When you understand the basic logic behind the code, it all becomes pretty clear.
    The only thing I don't touch is apache's external module. I just believe it does the job...

    Which version do you use? Vanilla 3.25 or fixed 3.3 posted above?
  28. Hey i just installed. But the plugin never backs up. This is what i found in the Logs, even with default config:

    2011-08-11 15:19:17 [INFO] SimpleSave: Parts of config file are blank, but not null. Possible errors might happen.
    2011-08-11 15:19:17 [INFO] SimpleSave: DON'T! Post this 'warning' on the thread.
    2011-08-11 15:19:17 [INFO] SimpleSave: 3.25 Initialized
    this is config now and it still dont work:

    #SimpleSave Config File
    #Thu Aug 11 15:05:12 CEST 2011
    backup.message.ending=[SimpleSave] Ending world backup
    backup.message.starting=[SimpleSave] Beginning world backup
    save.message.starting=[SimpleSave] Beginning world save
    save.message.ending=[SimpleSave] Ending world save
    backup.date.format=yyyy-MM-dd hh-mm-ss
  29. Offline


    try "plugin.ignore.noplayers=true" and see if that helps. Although at that point it will make a back up every hour regardless of if you have players on or not.
  30. Offline


    Hey Andys, your version works great for me, but it seems to save at erratic times when there is more than 1 person in the server. It was saving perfectly fine when just 1 person was in there, once every 5 minutes, just like I have it set in the config. When another player joined in, it seemed to save twice every 5 minutes, like it added another loop or something.
  31. Offline


    I'd be glad if you'd fork it and fix it. While I don't see a problem with the code, something must be wrong with it I guess

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