[INACTIVE][ADMN/SEC/WEB] DataLog - replaced by HawkEye [1000]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by oliverw92, Apr 15, 2011.

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    Vaupell, Pinkpixels, Sleaker and 2 others like this.
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    Hi, i've translated DataLog to Czech language as a gift for this perfect system. But characters are still lagy, idk. (I've to put source here coz i cannot upload php file)

        //         DataLog Interface Lang File           //
        //                 by oliverw92                  //
        //     Use this file as a template for           //
        //     creating other language files. To use     //
        //     a language file, change the setting in    //
        //     config.php to point to the new file       //
    $lang = array(

    "pageTitle"  => "DataLog prohlížeč",
    "title" => "DataLog",

    "filter" => array("title" => "Nastavení filtru",
    "password" => "Heslo",
    "players" => "Hráči",
    "xyz" => "XYZ",
    "range" => "Dosah od XYZ",
    "keys" => "Klíčová slova",
    "worlds" => "Světy",
    "dFrom" => "Od",
    "dTo" => "Do",
    "block" => "Blok",
    "search" => "Hledat",
    "reverse" => "Převrátit výsledek"),

    "tips" => array("hideFilter" => "Zobrazit/Skrýt nastavení filtru",
    "hideResults" => "Zobrazit/skrýt výsledky",
    "actions" => "Akce k vyhledávání. Musíte vybrat alespoň jednu",
    "password" => "Heslo k DataLogu. Vyžadováno pouze pokud je nastaveno",
    "players" => "(Volitelné) Seznam hráčů oddělený čárkami, které chcete vyhledat",
    "xyz" => "(Optional) Souřadnice okolo kterých chcete hledat",
    "range" => "(Optional) Dosah okolo XYZ, kde má být hledáno",
    "keys" => "(Optional) Seznam klíčových slov oddělené čárkami",
    "worlds" => "(Optional) Seznam světů oddělených čárkami. Ponechte prázdné pro všechny",
    "dFrom" => "(Optional) Čas a datum od kdy hledat",
    "dTo" => "(Optional) Čas a datum do kdy hledat",
    "block" => "(Optional) Bloky k vybrání při zvolení 'Block Break' nebo/a 'Block Place'",
    "reverse" => "Pokud toto zaškrnete, výsledky se chrnonologicky převrátí"),

    "actions" => array("Blok Zničen",
    "Blok Položen",
    "Sign Položen",
    "Lava Bucket",
    "Water Bucket",
    "Otevření Chest",
    "Pohyb Dveři",
    "PVP Smrt",
    "Flint Steel",
    "Blok Spálen",
    "Snow Form",
    "Leaf Decay"),

    "results" => array("title" => "Výsledky",
    "id" => "ID",
    "date" => "Datum",
    "player" => "Hráči",
    "action" => "Akce",
    "world" => "Svět",
    "xyz" => "XYZ",
    "data" => "Data"),

    "messages" => array("clickTo" => "Klikni na Hledat pro zjištění dat",
    "breakMe" => "Přestaňse snažit mě zničit!",
    "invalidPass" => "Chybné heslo!",
    "noActions" => "Musíte zvolit alespoň jednu akci!",
    "noResults" => "Mebyly nalezeny žádné výsledky při tomto nastavení",
    "error" => "Chyba!")

    //Convert foreign characters to entities
    ents(&$item$key) {
    $item htmlentities($item);

    Solved. Just convert everything to dec entits and remove the convert script at the bottom. U can see it at http://merver.4fan.cz/sys

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  3. Offline


    Is this compatible with bukkit928? Tried on 928 and every time I enter a command it just prints /dl help and doesn't do anything else.
  4. Offline


    I haven't tested it with 928 myself, but there is absolutely no reason it shouldn't work. Are you sure you have the right Permissions?
  5. Offline


    Hello, I have this error when my server start :
    11:17:28 [SEVERE] Exception in thread "Thread-11"
    11:17:28 [SEVERE] java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
    11:17:28 [SEVERE] at java.util.AbstractList$Itr.checkForComodification(Abs
    11:17:28 [SEVERE] at java.util.AbstractList$Itr.next(AbstractList.java:343
    11:17:28 [SEVERE] at uk.co.oliwali.DataLog.database.ConnectionManager.reap
    11:17:28 [SEVERE] at uk.co.oliwali.DataLog.database.ConnectionManager.acce
    11:17:28 [SEVERE] at uk.co.oliwali.DataLog.database.ConnectionManager$Conn
    Any ideas ?

    Thank You.

  6. Offline


    Ah, that's the problem lol. I don't use permissions so I just assumed it would default to OP.

    Any chance of making it default to OP or should I just go ahead and install permissions?
  7. Offline


    It should be defaulting to checking if you are op or not. I have used it myself without Permissions, not sure why it woudln't be working.

    Swadon I think I know what the issue is, I'll try and sort it out soon.
  8. Offline


    Just noticed I'd forgotten to OP myself on the server (was a temporary server I'd just set up)

    Got everything working perfectly now, sorry for wasting your time :/
  9. Offline


    No problem, glad you got it working.
  10. Offline


    Ok, Thank You ;)
  11. Offline


    I have been working with this plugin for too days now, and i really enjoy it. The only down side is the rollback command which gave me a couple headaches, that is why i thought having a checkbox system and revert button in the interface would be much easier for me and maybe others.
  12. Offline


    In the foreseeable future there will not be a way to rollback from the interface. That would open up masses of security risks for your server.

    What do you find hard about the rollback command?
  13. Offline


    well i was trying to rollback a range of 10 blocks to make a flying banner come back
    i used a command like /dl rollback r:10 t:date:time:date:time
    it restored part of it but it was quite weird when i did /dl undo it did not restore the old destroyed banner, but it did a part restored part destroyed version of the banner.
    so my server has a helpwebsite, I am setting up a admin sector with a password thats why i would like the acces of rollback commands on the interface.

    I will have to agree people will wreck your server if they have access to the command from the outside, on the other hand i thing that most of the server has online mode off so. Any player can access the command too. If you can set up a password to access the interface and add rollback command, checking logs that would be the best plugin EVER

    I will have to try to get used to the rollback command.
    Really good job oliverw.
  14. Offline


    Erm i tried rolling back this griefer completely by typing "/dl rollback p:mediamartin" but it didnt do anything. Any reason why?
  15. Offline


    I will double check that rolling back between two dates is working ok.

    Unfortunately a password on the interface (which already exists by the way) will not suffice for security measures. There have to be measures in place between the interface and the server. Not only this, I would have to set up some kind of connection between the server and the interface, then create my own authorisation protocol for it etc. It would very complicated. I agree, it would be awesome, but I'm not sure how effective it would be. It would open up a host of opportunities like authorising players using Permissions etc, but it would be rather complex.

    Any errors in console? Make sure you are on v1.1.1
  16. Offline


    it says
    Attempting to rollback 0 results
    Rollbacked 0 actions out of 0 attempted
    after i clearly typed /dl rollback p:mediamartin. i do have v1.1.1 and there arent any errors in the console. i mean it would rollback some things if i typed /dl rollback p:mediamartin r:20 but it doesnt for rolling back someone in general. It also says that if i type /dl rollback p:mediamartin t:5h
  17. Offline


    The rollback deosn't seem very stable very stable yet i still think we should have the rollback command in the interfqce, but to log in to the interface you shou have a login and password.

    Of course all of it would be changable. personaly i used an https protocol to protect my websites datalog, my dad set this up for me, i am therfore not very familiar to these protocols (as i am begining to learn about computers)

    I was wondering if we could just paste a https protocol as we did with the datalog folder?

    The user could just type his user and username.

    This is just an idea as i don't really know anything about it, the only thing i do know is that i have webmin on my server.


    I have read about it, my server doesn't have a authoritie sertificate, it say's its unsecure, I know it is as i did it. Im not shure if it does have a public key certificate(again i am just begining)

    Mabe we can do a admin https page we need to go through to go to datalog.

    I am currently using this system and it works fine.
  18. Offline


    I will look into it.

    What do you mean by not very stable?

    There is already a password to use the interface. You set it in config.php.

    You don't really understand what I am saying - I can't just 'put an https protocol' on it. It doesn't work like that.
  19. Offline


    What i mean is that i still did not manage to make it work properly, half a retored bit here, another old bit there...
    I actually think that there might be a plugin not compatible with yours!
    let me give my plugins that do have an effect on the world
    - GenOr
    - worldedit
    - controllerblock
    - giant trees
    - insta break

    I'll edit the versions in a minute

    You said there was a password in the interface, and you said it would be a security risk having the rollback command in the interface.

    Yea i understand a bit more about https now, and i undertand why what a was saying was totaly absurd. What we could do is point user to a tutorial on how to make a self signed certificate. And tell them NOT to enable the interface rollback unless the do have an https connection.
  20. Offline


    The insta-break plugin will interfere because it does not trigger the block break event. To check this, break a block with insta-break, then try checking it with the DataLog tool.

    I have an idea of how to make the rollback from the interface work without people needed HTTPS. It will be complicated and take time though.
  21. Offline


    really take your time,I'll do what you said then I'll try disabling Instbreak as it is not a plugin i use all the time.
    By the way i'm the only one using that plugin on the server as admin.
  22. Offline


    A simple way for you to test the issue - start with a blank server, then add datalog, and start adding your other plugins on top. Make sure you test rollbacks in between adding plugins
  23. Offline


    Yea very good idea! I cant do it today though. I'll do it later
  24. Offline


  25. Offline


    Sorry, completely missed your post

    That is awesome thanks!
    What do you mean the characters are laggy?

    I am not so inclined to remove the foreign character converting script because it means people have to learn what each character they want to use is in html entities.
  26. Offline


    Yea but it doesn't worked with that script. (Also there are many programms that convert text to entits ;)
  27. Offline


    So the converting script doesn't work with Czech characters?

    I just removed the convert script and it seems to work fine with the Czech characters.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  28. Offline


    Yep, i'll post some fix, because i have made some mistakes there :). Btw have added to the zip?
  29. Offline


    Yes I have added this and German in too :) v1.2.0 is in testing at the moment!
  30. Offline


  31. Offline


    I will once i release v1.2.0

    Version v1.2.0

    Both the jar and the interface need updating
    • New! Added 4 more actions - item drop, item pickup, mob death and other death
    • Properly threaded rollbacks
    • Added config option to not log IP addresses
    • Added config options for table names
    • Added config option to delete data once it is rolled back
    • Redesigned the login system for the web interface - now uses sessions
    • Added Czech and German language files (thanks guys!)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
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