[INACTIVE][ADMN] IPGet v0.5 - Allows OPs to see the IP address of other players [860]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Yoharnu, Apr 4, 2011.

  1. Offline


    IPGet - IP Acquisition:

    Version: v0.5
    Allows OPs to see the IP address of other players. It's that simple. I created it to help ban players by IP.

    • /ip Player = returns Player's IP address
    • /ip = returns your IP address
    • Keeps logs of players login times and IP addresses
    To install, simply copy the IPGet.jar to your plugin directory and start CraftBukkit normally.

    Download The Plugin (.jar)
    Source Code


    • IPGet.self - player can get their own IP
    • IPGet.other - player can get the IP of another player
    To do:
    • Change Permissions to have a different permission for getting your own IP
    • See a player's last known IP if that player is offline
    • Implement "/ip ban <player>"
    • Alert OPs (or people with permission) when two players are logged in with the same IP
    • Find "known associates" of a player. "/ip ka Player1" displays "Player2 is a known associate of Player1" if they have ever logged in from the same IP
    Version 0.5 - June 16, 2011
    • Added ability to see a player's last known IP if that player is offline
    Version 0.4 - April 09, 2011
    • Changed Permissions
    • Added log to track players' login times and IPs
    Version 0.3 - April 09, 2011
    • Fixed a problem where servers without Permissions couldn't run the plugin
    Version 0.2 - April 08, 2011
    • Added support for Permissions
    • Add IPGet.* or IPGet.getIP to Permissions to be able to use /ip
    Version 0.1 - April 05, 2011
    • Initial Release
    Finer1, finchson, Wolf and 3 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Is the log of players ip supposed to be able to be accessed during the game?
    When I try to get the ip of a player that was recently kicked/banned it just says "Player not online"

    Would be wonderful if it told you the ip of players that aren't online but once were.
    Also keep in mind the option for /ipban or something ;)

    If anyone could message me the name on a plugin that can ban-ips in the mean time

    BTW thank you very very much for this plugin. You need a donate buttton
  3. Offline



    Can I save logs as .CSV? then I can find who use multiple IDs...
  4. Offline


    "the command you are trying is not enabled by the admin"

    is this a message from your plugin?
  5. Any chance this can also do a nslookup on said IP address and display that aswell?
  6. Offline


    awesome! and it works with build 689 :D

    you need to be op for it to work

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  7. Offline


    Thanks again for this plugin it's been a big help.
    I hope it works with cb 733
  8. Offline


    Great plugin. Does this work with craftbukkit build 740 though?
  9. Offline


    Works on 740, also works on 764.
  10. Offline


    yeap, this plugin is great :D

    BTW: It's possible to ADD an option to block multiple accounts online with the same IP ?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  11. Offline


    Would it be possible to add a feature that pops up a message to OPs (or people with the permission) when someone joins with the same IP as another account.

    For example, griefer A join, griefs, and gets banned, but then rejoins on his account named griefer A2. What this feature would do is then make a message when they join saying something like "griefer A2 may be: griefer A" and it would list all the other accounts associated with that IP.
  12. Offline


    SUPPORT 100%
  13. Offline


    Really need it in my server. Fu*k griefers. Works really good, thanks!!
  14. Offline


    CB 674 - inactive
  15. Offline


    Seems to be working fine in RB 818
  16. Offline


    Sorry I've been gone so long, guys. End of semester stuff made me neglect Minecraft and plugin development. But I'm back! And IPGet should be up to date (no download necessary)
    Right now, the log isn't accessible in-game. But that's a good idea. Should it report the last known IP? or all IPs (could be a lengthy list)?
    I'll also look into adding "/ip ban <player>"
    And I just added a donate link in my sig if anyone really wants to donate.
    I'll look into that. Shouldn't be too difficult. However, it could cause problems for people on the same network. For example, if I hosted a Minecraft LAN party at my house, only one of us would be allowed on a server that blocks multiple accounts.
    This is a good idea. I'll look into it, as well. Again, this shouldn't be difficult (although, slightly more difficult than banning, I would think)
  17. Offline


  18. Offline


    the title should use latest RECOMMENDED build, not development one
    It can use one when you need some advanced features that are missing from the latest recommended of course.
  19. Offline


    That would require that I add a config file, and I'd rather not do that. At least, not yet.
    I don't know how I'd go about doing that.
  20. Offline


    Any guesses on when a version with the "ka" stuff will be out? Server just hit a huge player spike and I'm banning about 10-15 a day... need to keep an eye on ip's.
  21. Offline


    I'll start on it as soon as possible, and I hope to have it finished by tomorrow night. However, if I don't finish it by tomorrow night, it probably won't be released until Friday or so.
  22. Offline


    @Yoharnu Not sure if anyone pointed it out, but the download link goes to 0.4 so no offline look-up. I figured it would be updated to 0.6 soon anyway so I hadn't mentioned it.
  23. Offline


    I just checked, and the link goes to 0.5
  24. Offline


    Can you please add an option to enable reverse lookup on IP ?
  25. Offline


    What do you mean?
  26. Offline


    I mean IPGet converting IP to names on the log file (via dns reverse lookup)

    instead of loggin:
    IPGet will reverse DNS map the ip and (if possible) log: google.com
  27. Offline


    That's a good idea. This would go quite well with the 'known associates' stuff as well.
  28. Offline


    @Yoharnu Is this getting pretty close to an update by chance?
  29. Offline


    Another example, if a player went to the server at two different addresses, un ( and, both recorded in the log, but when I try to watch a player un address (/ip player) it shows the last ip, you could do so showed that-be, all the un address under which that player went?
  30. Offline


    Awesome plugin!
    But may I ask you something. Can you add a feature that makes possible to view name of player by writing ip? So, something like that:
    * The name of user with ip is BlackJack_
    Would be very great!
    pomo4ka likes this.
  31. Offline


    @Yoharnu is this inactive or are you still working on it?

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