[INACTIVE][ADMN] DelayedStop v0.17 - stop the server in x seconds, and inform your players [860]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by ddj, Mar 20, 2011.

  1. Offline


    DelayedStop - As admin you sometimes need to restart your server to get plugins working
    properly. As your server is always crowded with players, you want to
    announce this restarts a few minutes before you actually do it.

    This plugins lets you stop your server in x seconds.
    Every minute, and under the minute every 10 seconds, the planned restart
    is announced as broadcast, so you can sit back and wait untill the server stops

    Version: v0.17
    Tested with craftbukkit builds: b860

    • Stop the server after x seconds
    • Kick everyone just before server save-all & shutdown
    • Inform players on the upcoming reboot (at configurable intervals (since v0.16!)
    • Configurable messages & colors
    • Works with permissions/Groupmanager and without it (player must me op then)
    Installation (open)

    * Drop the Jar in your plugin directory, and start your server.

    Config.yml (open)

    # Configuration for DelayedStop
    #   - ddj 2011
    ### Notification settings
    #   Here you can setup at what intervals in the countdown, you would like
    #   to inform your players on the upcoming server shutdown/restart
    #   Use <number>m to use minutes,
    #   Use <number> or <number>s to use seconds
    #   ALWAYS setup this values from high to low otherwise it will not work as expected!!
        notify-at: 10m,5m,1m,30s,10s
    ### Labels ###
        chat-prefix: '[DS]'
        chat-prefix-color: '&d'
        chat-message-color: '&e'
        chat-highlighted-color: '&a'
        ### Broadcast messages  ###
        time-left-message: 'The server will restart in @time-left@'
        restart-cancelled-message: 'Server restart is cancelled!'
        server-down-message: 'Server is shutting down!'
        restart-resumed-message: 'Server restart is resumed'
        restart-paused-message: 'Server restart is paused'
        minute-text: 'minutes'
        second-text: 'seconds'
        minutes-text: 'minutes'
        seconds-text: 'seconds'
        and-text: 'and'

    Permissions (open)

    delayedstop.start     /dstop start
    delayedstop.cancel    /dstop cancel
    if you don't use permissions/groupmanager, make sure the player is OP

    Commands (open)

    Command    : /dstop <seconds> <reason>
    Permissions: delayedstop.start
    Description: Stops server in <seconds> seconds, <reason> is optional
    Command    : /dstop pause
    Permissions: delayedstop.start
    Description: pauses countdown
    Command    : /dstop go or /dstop resume
    Permissions: delayedstop.start
    Description: resumes paused countdown
    Command    : /dstop cancel
    Permissions: delayedstop.cancel
    Description: cancels delayed server shutdown

    Download latest version:
    http://www.crafters.nl/cc/DelayedStop_v0.17.zip (Jar only)
    Source Code is included in Jar

    Version 0.17
    • Fixed first countdown message where total seconds was 1 to less
    • The big cleanup has started:
      - Moved some methods from main class to seperate classfiles
    Version 0.16
    • Added configurable interval messages
      default value now is: 10m,5m,1m,30s,10s,5s
      This means, at 10 ,5 and one minute, at 30,10 and 5 seconds there will be a message.
      You can use <number>m for minutes, or just <number> or <number>s for seconds
    All versions (open)

    Version 0.15
    • Removed debug message (tick every second:) )
    Version 0.14
    • Added /dstop pause - /dstop resume|go command
    Version 0.13
    • Changed timer setup.
      Using a time-plugin (like propertime) caused the countdown to behave strangly.
      The timer now is not connected to 'server-ticks' but to real time.
    • Added more variable messages (different text for 1 second / 2 seconds)
      Remove your config.yml and let the plugin re-create it for all options
    • Added additional text for broadcasting reason of restart.
      /dstop 10 Installation new plugin results in :
      "The server will restart in 30 seconds (Installation new plugin)"
    Version 0.12
    • Default config.yml contained error that caused exceptions when reading the kick-message (server-down-message)
    Version 0.11
    • Fixed problem with exception while kicking players during shutdown
    Version 0.10
    • Initial Release
    svict4, Litt, AS1LV3RN1NJA and 4 others like this.
  2. Offline


    hmm yea I did miss this, Tho I tried Autostop and it was not happy with CB 556 and 560 last I used it.
  3. Offline


    Very handy, thanks! Definitely gonna be helpful.
  4. Offline


    Seems Creator of Minecart mania has fixed Autostop,
  5. Offline


    DDJ do you already have this added to the CraftBukkitUpToDate? If not would you mind doing so please it would help out alot of the larger servers like myself who are running 50+ plugins
  6. Offline


    I've used this for a quite while. The only problem is that the counter starts from -1 second from what I type. For example, "/dstop 60" tells me 59 seconds to restart.
  7. Offline


    Thats intended.
  8. Offline


    Could you pick up the AutoStop plugin and keep developing it? The current dev quit, so it needs a new one, and this plugin appears to be similar to AutoStop.
  9. Offline


    Mainly been busy to keep my server alive with all updates last days..
    Will dive into the requests this week..

    It has already been added for some time.

    Concerning the time indication, the message always is 1 second behind your command. Of course you can /dstop 61 to get nice round numbers:)
    Will see if I can find a nice way to fix it (I don't want to just add a second, doesnt feel goed: ) ..

    Version 0.17

    • Fixed first countdown message where total seconds was 1 to less
    • The big cleanup has started:
      - Moved some methods from main class to seperate classfiles

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2016
  10. Offline


    Do you plan on adding a delayed restart as well? I don't see how a delayed stop is useful because how do you get the server back up again without accessing control panel?

  11. Offline


    Plz I need some help whit this plugin, I have install it to my server but can someone help me to show a basic.
    like the server restart every 30 min and startup after 1 min again? My english is not so good thats why I ask this.
    thx for all help :)
  12. Offline


    any way to implement an actual /restart command that would not just stop the server after a set time, but actually restart it?
  13. Offline


    well the thing is the way the server shuts down right now causes it to wait for user input but I have been able to run the EXACT same server at the same time but changing the server properties so one is running through LAN and one is on Hamachi so theoretically you could have the plugin run the start.bat or whatever just before it issues the stop command thus virtually restarting the server!
  14. Offline


    To be clear once again, my plugin is only for stopping the server nicely.
    It is not possible to restart, start after stop etc etc.
    I have no plans of making the plugin do this.

    For my server, I find it very usefull.
    If you don't , you are actually allowed to not use it:)

    Since I don't have a lot of java-experience, I would never dare to create a restart app, since this would mean stepping outside the framework of bukkit plugins.
  15. Offline


    ddj, with all do respect. What is the purpose of shutting down the server, if not to restart it again? This would mean that if you wanted to restart it, you would have to be at the computer waiting for the restart. Am I correct? I am not sure what benefits this plugin has without restarting. Please do not get upset with me, I am only asking how you use it.
  16. Offline


    Link is broken

    Oh and keep up the good work on this plugin, I've been using it the past week and its one of the most used plugins I have!
  17. Offline


    Of course you shutdown to restart it again:)
    In my case, I bring my server down through the mc client (a minute from now). Then I use that minute to prepare for updating some jar files etc. The moment the server goes down I am prepared, do my work, and start it up again.

    Link = fixed
  18. Offline


    It would be nice to schedule a restart every 3 hours. Delayed Stop could probably do this nicely, automatically start a countdown when the server starts up, and announce only when it gets to the 30 minute mark.

    Also, if you want to restart the server automatically, just do a shell script or something:
    while true; do
            java -server -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -XX:ParallelGCThreads=3 -XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=500 -XX:SurvivorRatio=12 -Xnoclassgc -XX:UseSSE=3 -Xmn2500M -Xmx2500M -jar bukkit.jar
            echo stopped, waiting for cancel
            sleep 10
    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2016
  19. Offline


    That code will automatically restart the server?
  20. Offline

    Tfs Halo

    yesterday this plugin wouldn't countdown!? i used something like /dstop 10 and it said the announcements but i stood there and waited for like 20 seconds :S

    i had to manually stop it but just wondering what happened.
    craftbukkit version #677 tell me if you want more information etc.
  21. Offline


    Thank-You! This was exactly what I was looking for!
  22. Offline


    Can't say much about it, I just issue the stop command to the server, what happens after that is kind of out of my control:)

    If you include the server-screen (with errors etc), perhaps I could tell you why this happened
  23. Offline

    Tfs Halo

    it seems to have gone now but there wasn't any errors o_o? that is the weird thing about it.
  24. Offline


    I download an use the actual Version, but the server.log show me:
    2011-05-10 05:07:51 [INFO] [DelayedStop] version 0.16 enabled
    2011-05-10 05:07:59 [INFO] BukkitUpdater : New version detected for 'DelayedStop' (new version: 0.17)
    plugin.yml in the jar:
    name: DelayedStop
    main: nl.crafters.delayedstop.DelayedStop
    version: 0.16
    - ddj
            description: Stops server after x seconds
            usage: /<command> [seconds|cancel] <reason>
    please, can you update it.

    Great plugin, thanks.
  25. Offline


  26. Offline


    Thanks :)
  27. Offline


    Link is down :/
  28. Offline


    Please add the restart function.
  29. Offline


    Please update to 818 :)
  30. Offline


    Hey love this plugin and was wondering if it worked with 818.

    I'll be updating soon, so I guess if it needs confirmation I'll go ahead, but I just like to know if something wonky will happen beforehand :)
  31. Offline


    A nice thing to do is combine this with www.goo.gl/T2aW1. It is a simple program to set timer to computer shutdown. Really easy to use!

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