[INACTIVE][ADMN] BackupPlugin v0.8.8 (Backups & Maps - Fork from MysticX's plugin) [670]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by _Oni_, Mar 5, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Version: v0.8.8

    This plugin allows you to create world backups or to generate world maps automatically or via ingame command.
    It's a fork of MysticX's BackupPlugin : http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/895/


    • /backup <force> (optional) - backups your world data
    • /map <force> (optional) - generates map(s) of your world
    • /breload - reloads BackupPlugin configuration file
    • /loglevel <level> - sets log level
    Valid arguments for force are true & false. Using a command with true will result in a forced cache rebuilt, useful if you want to avoid the cache-lifetime for any reason.

    Valid arguments for log level are FINEST, FINE, INFO, WARNING or SEVERE (case sensitive!), default is INFO. FINE & FINEST will generate debug output.
    Valid arguments for time unit are SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS (case sensitive!), default is MINUTES.


    This plugin will generate a properties file in your server home (BackupPlugin.properties)
    Here are two examples:

    Standard properties (0.8.5, I guess) file (for mcmap): here
    MysticX's properties file (0.8.5) (for c10t): here


    My version supports Permissions (from 2.0, if you have a problem with Permissions plugin report this) and GroupManager (1.0)
    • BackupPlugin.backup : for /backup command
    • BackupPlugin.map : for /map command
    • BackupPlugin.admin : for /loglevel and /breload
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    Version 0.8.8
    • Fix Backup History
    • Improve how calc first run time (could fix some date problem)
    Version 0.8.7
    • Change method to save world in disk before backup/mapping
    • Fix mapping
    • Remove debug option (use loglevel FINEST instead)
    Version 0.8.6
    • Command can use in console server now
    • Try to do save-all before backup and mapping (I have to change this, it's not ok, I think)
    • Add a debug option
    • Cleaning code again
    Version 0.8.5-SNAPSHOT
    • Some fix for recent build of craftbukkit
    • Move from GroupUsers plugin to Permissions plug
    • Move BackupPlugin.properties to plugins/BackupPlugin/config.properties
    • Add a temp-path option to define temp folder for cache
    • Cleaning code

    • Add a multiworld support (WiP)
    PS : I know, I did much copy-paste from MysticX's thread but It was only a fork from his code and I didn't much change, for the moment. ;)
    DiddiZ, MasterMeNL, IndianaX and 2 others like this.
  2. Offline


    This is my current config

    #BackupPlugin Config File
    #Sat Mar 26 21:18:33 PDT 2011
    map-options=-png -file $o $w;-night -png -file $o $w

    For some reason it seems to be backing up every 5 minutes or so. Should I change the 'time-units=' to HOURS? and Then change the 'autobackup-period=' to ~60?

    Also, can someone explain to me what exactly the automap-period and cache-lifetime options do. I have been trying to read... but I just dont really grasp he concept.
  3. Offline


    Is this plugin gonna be 556+ compatible?
    I'm using it too, it seems pretty good, and I use the mapper for mcmap too.
    To me it looks like everything works, except if I reload the server the module breaks (fails to backup).
    If I restart the server, it works just fine again.

    2011-03-29 20:59:21 [INFO] [BackupPlugin]  Starting backup process..
    2011-03-29 20:59:22 [INFO] [BackupPlugin]  Rebuilding Cache. This can take several minutes, depending on the world size.
    2011-03-29 20:59:24 [INFO] [BackupPlugin]  Starting backup process..
    2011-03-29 20:59:25 [INFO] [BackupPlugin]  Rebuilding Cache. This can take several minutes, depending on the world size.
    2011-03-29 20:59:25 [INFO] [BackupPlugin]  Deleting cache, might be obsolete.
    2011-03-29 20:59:25 [WARNING] [BackupPlugin]  Failed to delete temp folder.
    2011-03-29 20:59:25 [WARNING] [BackupPlugin]  Cache couldn't be rebuilt!
    2011-03-29 20:59:25 [SEVERE] [BackupPlugin]  Error while zipping temp folder!
    java.util.zip.ZipException: ZIP file must have at least one entry
     at java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream.finish(Unknown Source)
     at java.util.zip.DeflaterOutputStream.close(Unknown Source)
     at java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream.close(Unknown Source)
     at com.mysticx.bukkit.backupplugin.IOHelper.zipDirectory(IOHelper.java:63)
     at com.mysticx.bukkit.backupplugin.CacheControl.persistCache(CacheControl.java:280)
     at com.mysticx.bukkit.backupplugin.BackupUnit.run(BackupUnit.java:67)
     at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source)
     at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRunAndReset(Unknown Source)
     at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(Unknown Source)
     at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$101(Unknown Source)
     at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.runPeriodic(Unknown Source)
     at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source)
     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
     at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    2011-03-29 20:59:25 [WARNING] [BackupPlugin]  Backup failed
    2011-03-29 20:59:25 [SEVERE] [BackupPlugin]  Error while zipping temp folder!
    java.io.FileNotFoundException: world-backups\temp\region\r.-2.-2.mcr (The system cannot find the file specified)
     at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method)
     at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
     at com.mysticx.bukkit.backupplugin.IOHelper.zip(IOHelper.java:76)
     at com.mysticx.bukkit.backupplugin.IOHelper.zip(IOHelper.java:74)
     at com.mysticx.bukkit.backupplugin.IOHelper.zipDirectory(IOHelper.java:59)
     at com.mysticx.bukkit.backupplugin.CacheControl.persistCache(CacheControl.java:280)
     at com.mysticx.bukkit.backupplugin.BackupUnit.run(BackupUnit.java:67)
     at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source)
     at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRunAndReset(Unknown Source)
     at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(Unknown Source)
     at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$101(Unknown Source)
     at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.runPeriodic(Unknown Source)
     at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source)
     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
     at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    2011-03-29 20:59:25 [WARNING] [BackupPlugin]  Backup failed
  4. got this issue too, also seems to be problems on build 602?
  5. Offline


    Wow nice plugin.. Some of the config options i understand, some i don't. Is there a setting for auto-delete when u reach x amount of backups? I'm thinking that might either be history or cache-lifetime. Also, is there a way to somehow change the title automatically generated of a backup to something else? Lastly, what is the log thing? Please answer asap and sorry if i wasn't specific enough.:)
  6. Offline

    Chris Lewis

    602CB PLZ +1
  7. Offline


  8. Offline


    Hi everybody,

    I tested BackupPlugin on #602 and It's seems ok.
    If I have time this weekend, i will look for bug and maybe one or two thinks.
  9. Offline


    Will you be supporting 1.4? Either way thanks for the plugin!
  10. Offline

    Chris Lewis

    NEW recommended build 617 updated to Minecraft 1.4... would love this updated for that, and cant wait for multi-world support! This is a great tool, thanks to the dev!
  11. Offline


    It is running on my server (build 617) and it seems to work.

  12. Offline


    New release : 0.8.8
    Just somes fixes. ;)
  13. Offline


    I've been getting this alot with the new version, at least I think so, the older version had another error I always ignored.
    21:22:48 [SEVERE] [BackupPlugin]  Error while zipping temp folder!
    java.util.zip.ZipException: ZIP file must have at least one entry
            at java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream.finish(Unknown Source)
            at java.util.zip.DeflaterOutputStream.close(Unknown Source)
            at java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream.close(Unknown Source)
            at com.mysticx.bukkit.backupplugin.IOHelper.zipDirectory(IOHelper.java:6
            at com.mysticx.bukkit.backupplugin.CacheControl.persistCache(CacheContro
            at com.mysticx.bukkit.backupplugin.BackupUnit.run(BackupUnit.java:67)
            at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source)
            at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source)
            at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
            at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.
    access$301(Unknown Source)
            at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.
    run(Unknown Source)
            at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source
            at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
            at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    21:22:48 [WARNING] [BackupPlugin]  Backup failed
    Would it be possible to delete the backup file that actually fails? I had to delete alot of corrupt or 0 byte zip files.
  14. Offline


    Especially, the problem is that after this the backup plugin does deleting older (maybe valid) backups.

    Also I got these error message but mostly after reloading and with the old version.

  15. Offline


    Your forum thread name shows up wrong on plugins.bukkit.org.. it just says 'null' as a title...
  16. Offline


    Humm, I need to investigate that…
    I fix the title, sorry ;)
  17. Offline


    Hi, I'd like to take this plugin into use but have some difficulties in setting it up properly.

    My directory structure is this:

    So, in a nutshell, I only have one world directory, it is in the root of my Minecraft directory, and under it, there is a separate subdirectory for each new server I build.

    The old BackupPlugin accepted a relative world path, something like this:


    Problem is, whatever I try to specify there ends up in "World world don't exist" from BackupPlugin.

    So: does BackupPlugin still accept relative world paths, and what directory should they exactly be relative to? Main server directory, plugins directory, or even plugins/BackupPlugin directory?

    So far I've tried "../world", "../../world" and even "../../../world" without success.
  18. Offline


    I have not had this error, so far anyways, since cleaning up all the zero byte files and corrupt zips and deleting everything in the temp folder.
  19. Offline


    Maybe it helps, but the most problem with this plugin I have, when I reload it.

  20. Offline


    If I do a /backup in game should I receive a successful message? I don't.

    I would also like to ask about a previous post someone else asked about stopping all backups when nobody is on the server, I mean is it really necessary?
  21. Offline


    Is the plugin dev not anymore maintaining this plugin? It is awfully quiet in here...
  22. Offline


    Installed your plugin yesterday.
    Worked just fine, no problems with the install.
    I do have a question about the procedure of the auto-backup, though.

    I have set the config to auto-backup every 60 minutes, and it does just that, but it takes 3 backups each time?

    This is from my server log:
    Show Spoiler

    2011-04-06 10:59:09 [INFO] [BackupPlugin] Starting backup process..
    2011-04-06 10:59:09 [INFO] [BackupPlugin] Rebuilding Cache. This can take several minutes, depending on the world size.
    2011-04-06 10:59:14 [INFO] [BackupPlugin] deleting old backup file: world-backups\SPQR_20110406-0659460343.zip
    2011-04-06 10:59:14 [INFO] [BackupPlugin] Backup sucessfull
    2011-04-06 10:59:20 [INFO] [BackupPlugin] Starting backup process..
    2011-04-06 10:59:21 [INFO] [BackupPlugin] Rebuilding Cache. This can take several minutes, depending on the world size.
    2011-04-06 10:59:21 [INFO] [BackupPlugin] Deleting cache, might be obsolete.
    2011-04-06 10:59:24 [INFO] [BackupPlugin] deleting old backup file: world-backups\SPQR_20110406-0759090237.zip
    2011-04-06 10:59:24 [INFO] [BackupPlugin] Backup sucessfull
    2011-04-06 10:59:46 [INFO] [BackupPlugin] Starting backup process..
    2011-04-06 10:59:46 [INFO] [BackupPlugin] Rebuilding Cache. This can take several minutes, depending on the world size.
    2011-04-06 10:59:46 [INFO] [BackupPlugin] Deleting cache, might be obsolete.
    2011-04-06 10:59:50 [INFO] [BackupPlugin] deleting old backup file: world-backups\SPQR_20110406-0759200905.zip
    2011-04-06 10:59:50 [INFO] [BackupPlugin] Backup sucessfull

    I have set the number of backups to store before deleting to 10 (history?), which means it actually only keeps backup from the last 4 hours, since it does 3 backups each hour, when in practice i want it to keep backups from the last 10 hours. Are my settings wrong, or is this a plugin bug?

    Config-file here:
    Show Spoiler

    #BackupPlugin Config File
    #Tue Apr 05 19:59:21 CDT 2011
    map-options=-png -file $o $w;-night -png -file $o $w
  23. Offline


    To the plugin dev: I would recommend to shutdown the backup threads on onDisable and not in onEnable (before you start the new threads), because maybe somebody want to manually disable your plugin. But in fact the server admin did change nothing.

  24. Offline

    Chris Lewis

    Yeah im getting the same random error at times about the temp folder. Would be nice if it deleted that failed backup file. Would also be nice to know whats causing it and figure out how to fix it.

    Also getting the backup plugin doing 3 backups one right after the other.

    I also think there is something wrong with the timing. Because i have the time set to 45 min but its backing it up every 30 min.... perhaps we need to set the cache-liftime to match the autobackup-period variable?

    Checking my server log even after setting my autobackupperiod and cache-lifetime to match for 45 minutes, on startup its says
    "12:17:25 [INFO] [BackupPlugin] Finished setting up a thread: BackupUnit Next ru
    n in: 27 minutes."
  25. Offline


    Please for the love of all things cake, add Multiworld Support!

    Thanks :)
  26. Offline


    I'm actually a multiworld user, I run my servers locally and have all the stuff in separated folders.
    "!NewServerStuff" are all the plugins, with no config files in, just for updating bukkit and plugins to other folders, very useful for other plugins that don't support multiworld. :)
    And actually, I have some kind of multiworld support on my server (I use a nether plugin), but it only maps.
    This here is my config file:
    Show Spoiler
    #BackupPlugin Config File
    #Thu Mar 03 19:31:31 CET 2011
    map-options=-w $w -o $o -z --night; -w C:\\Users\\Melvin\\AppData\\Roaming\\.minecraft.server\\CreativeServer_1\\NetherWorld -o C:\\Users\\Melvin\\AppData\\Roaming\\.minecraft.server\\CreativeServer_1\\ServerNetherMaps -z --night --hell-mode

    I also attached a picture of my map how I organize my servers.
    But I agree that real multiworld could come in handy, not that I care much about the buggy nether. :p

    Attached Files:

  27. Offline


    We really need Multi-World support! I hope the next release has it..
    This is the last plugin I'm waiting for, to support it, before I add MultiVerse to my server.

    Last time I ran multiple maps, we didn't realize they weren't backed up, and we ended up losing a TON of work after a power outage. =/

    I really hope it's not too much of a hassle to add support for that, into this plugin. I really wanna stick with this one, and not have to switch to an alternative.. I really like your features!
  28. Offline


    While I cant see a reason why this would not work under CB 670, has anyone tried to use it with 670 yet?
  29. Coud you make it broadcast wen it starts backing up and wen it finishes
  30. Offline


    is it possible to backup moore then 1 world ?
    and if it is how do i write it? i have to worlds northland, and southland but i have no idea how to write it. With this settings im having problems with backups every 60 minutes why is that?

  31. Offline


    I really do not think anyone is anymore actively developing this plugin. What a shame - a decent backup plugin is REALLY needed for any server.

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