[INACTIVE][ADMN] Backup 1.6 - A simple Backup Plugin [818]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Meldanor, Mar 25, 2011.

  1. Offline


    I've stopped the development of this plugin, becase I lost the motivation. The user 'gamerx93' will continue my work in this thread:


    Backup - A simple Backup Plugin :
    Version : 1.6

    After I've searched for a simple, but powerfull backup plugin, I've tried some backups, but some have bugs, other don't save the world before they zip and so on. So I decided to write my own backup plugin.

    • Automatically backups the server(all worlds) in a Intervall you've decided and zip it.
    • Saves every world running on the server and every player before the backup
    • Supporting Permission
    • Supporting manuel backups (you can use an ingame command or on the console)
    • Storing only a limit of backups that you've configure
    • You can set that only to backup when player are on the server
    • Stores also the plugin folder
    • Formate the date format

    Version 1.6:
    • Added option to control where the backups are getting stored
    • Fixed disabling broadcast messages
    • You can now use also the old save system, which is the same as before 1.5
    • Uses godsny's suggestion for the config file. Thanks !
    • Fixed bug deleting the custom dir when the maximum backup limit is hit!
    • Fixed bug stopping the complete backup if there is one file error!
    • Fixed bug not disabling the automatic backup when you set the BackupIntervall to -1
    Version 1.5:
    • Added property to also backup the plugin folder(is set to true by default)
    • Fixed issue with data corruption by using not thread save methods. Thanks to desmin88 for the hints!
    • All worlds(and when enabled the plugin folder) is stored in ONE ZIP
    • Customize the timestamp by merge a fork of xfxian . Thanks to xfxian!
    • You can now disable enabling the autosave (the command "save-on", not the backup cyclus!) by setting the property to true. It is false by default. Notify, that I will run the command "save-off" before I will start the backup to prevent unwished results!
    • When server is starting, the config.ini is checked now. If you don't have the current config.ini you can see on the console a error. Remove / relocate the config temporary to get the newest one.
    Show Spoiler

    Version 1.4a:
    • Fixed the bug " [Backup] Zipping backup is disabled! "
    Version 1.4:
    • Use ASyncMethod instead of SyncMethod (the lags should be gone)
    • Own broadcast messages ( change the message in you config.ini file)
    • A backup is run when the last player has left the server after the normal backup cyclus.
    • Remove worlds from backup (add the names of the worlds in your config.ini files)
    • Add an option to just store the worlds in dirs or zip them
    • Some minor improvements
    Version 1.3a:
    • You can now run a backup from the console using the command backup
    Version 1.3:
    • Implemented new function to only backup when player are online
    • Use Apache Common IO library instead of code from the internet for a better performance and better stability
    Version 1.2b:
    • Fixed bug with empty dirs
    Version 1.2a:
    • Fixed bug not creating config.ini
    Version 1.2:
    • Implement property so only ops can start manuell backups
    • Updated to recommened build 602
    • Tried to fix the problem with some system by using the system file seperator
    Version 1.1:
    • Added option to give manual backups a name(which will never automatically removed by auto backup)
    Version 1.0:
    • First release

    Just place it in your plugins dir

    Show Spoiler

    After the first start of the plugin it generates a config.ini in "plugins/Backup".
    Here is the current content:

    // --All variables are in minutes--
    // How often show the backup run? (#)
    // Notice: -1 Will disable automatic backups. You have to run the backups now manually!
    // How many backups are retained? If this limit is hit, the oldest backup will be removed. (#)
    // Only allow Ops to preform manual backups? (true/false)
    // Should backups only be preformed when there are players on the server?
    // Notice: When the last player leaves the server, a final backup will be made
    // within the backup cycle. The automatic backup cycle will resume when a player
    // joins. (true/false)
    // Server broadcast message when starting a backup.
    // Notice : Remove the messages(not the property) to disable a broadcast. (text)
    MessageStartBackup=Start backup
    // Server broadcast message when a backup is completed.
    // Notice : Remove the messages(not the property) to disable a broadcast. (text)
    MessageFinishBackup=Finished backup
    // Worlds that should not be archived by the server, seperate them by
    // a semicolon. (directory names)
    // Example : World1;World2;Nether
    // ZIP backups?
    // If enabled, backups will be compressed and stored in a ZIP archive named with
    // the current timestamp.
    // If disabled, the backup will stored in a folder with the timestamp. (true/false)
    // Custom date format string that is appended to every backup.
    // If left empty, the default date format is used.
    // This has to be a Java String.format string, see
    // http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/Formatter.html#syntax
    // for reference.
    // Example: -%1$tY%1$tm%1$td-%1$tH%1$tM%1$tS (YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS: 20101201-011323) (conforms to ISO 8601)
    // Enables the auto-save function after the backup.
    // Notice: If you set this to false, this plugin will backup your worlds but not save
    // the data from the memory to your hard disc. If the server crashes between
    // backups, all work is lost. Disable if you use another plugin to save the world
    // to disk (EG: autosave). (true/false)
    // Backup plugin directory? (true/false)
    // Location of backups
    // Store all backuped world in one zip? (true/false)
    // If false every worlds backup is saved in one directory named in the format:

    After this just type in your server
    to reload the settings


    /backup starts a manuel Backup of your server. If you don't have permissions, everybody can run this command.
    /backup NAME starts a manuel Backup of your server. This backup is stored in backups/custom

    So far
    So Mel
  2. Offline


    Having a problem, well, up until about 10:55 everything was going fine on my server, until I tried to regenerate a rediculously large piece of landscape with WorldEdit, a backup was run right before I tried it, then after I regenerated the region, I noticed a big hole in the world not too far away from where I regenerated, so I ended up using that backup from 10:55... And well, ever since, the server will not backup anymore, it will not run scheduled backups and will not run a backup when I use /backup in-game or backup in the console... It doesn't throw out any errors, It doesn't tell me it doesn't recognize the command... It just... Does nothing... I tried to re-download the plugin and try again, but still nothing... Any idea's?

    EDIT: Nevermind... Right after I posted this it started working again... Like exactly after I clicked the post button I looked at the console and it ran a backup... Figures...

    EDIT: I am so confused... It stopped working AGAIN, right when I started playing it again... *sigh* Oh and the /backup and backup commands still do nothing...

    EDIT: Come to think of it... My server seems to be very laggy at the moment... Maybe that's why it's not backing up...
  3. Offline


    @ValBGaming WorldEdit doesn't have still official support for multiworld snapshots, be carefull
  4. Offline


    I only use 1 world, so I should be safe. Atleast I hope I'm safe using it... It's one of my most used tools on my server... Anyways Backup is working on and off at the moment, I think it's just because my computer is on the verge of overheating and my server is lagging a lot... I don't think my computer was designed to be on for more than 12 hours... lol
  5. Offline


    Can not understand
    2011-05-19 16:26:19 [INFO] java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
    2011-05-19 16:26:19 [INFO]      at backup.PropertiesSystem.loadProperties(PropertiesSystem.java:132)
    2011-05-19 16:26:19 [INFO]      at backup.PropertiesSystem.<init>(PropertiesSystem.java:62)
    2011-05-19 16:26:19 [INFO]      at backup.Main.onEnable(Main.java:64)
    2011-05-19 16:26:19 [INFO]      at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:127)
    2011-05-19 16:26:19 [INFO]      at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:676)
    2011-05-19 16:26:19 [INFO]      at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:249)
    2011-05-19 16:26:19 [INFO]      at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:131)
    2011-05-19 16:26:19 [INFO]      at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(CraftServer.java:109)
    2011-05-19 16:26:19 [INFO]      at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(MinecraftServer.java:218)
    2011-05-19 16:26:19 [INFO]      at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:205)
    2011-05-19 16:26:19 [INFO]      at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:145)
    2011-05-19 16:26:19 [INFO]      at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:260)
    2011-05-19 16:26:19 [INFO]      at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:394)
    WTF? :confused:

    // Found!
    Here is about notifications, I have removed message and it brings plugin into failure
    // Broadcast message when starting a backup.
    // Notify : Remove the messages(not the property) to disable an broadcast.
    MessageStartBackup=Start backup
    // Broadcast message when completed a backup
    // Notify : Remove the messages(not the property) to disable an broadcast.
    MessageFinishBackup=Finished backup
    Not working disabling of messages
    pls check it :)
  6. Offline


    I've fixed this.
    I'm working on it and will implement this in version 1.7

    I checked this out on my server, but everything works fine. I'm very sorry that I can't help you, becase I do not find the bug for this.

    what is your backup intervall ? Are the unzipped backups custom backups?
  7. Offline


    I have no custom backups and the interval is 15 minutes.

  8. Offline


    Hey so um... Mine has stopped working again... Same thing as before.
    Here is my config if it helps.
    // Given in minutes. Set this to -1 for disabling the auto backup. Notify: You
    // have to run the backups now manually!
    // How many backups are stored in the backup dir. If this limit is hit, the oldest
    // one will get removed by the plugin
    // Only operator can run manuel backups
    // Only backup when player are on the server. When the last one left the server,
    // a last backup will be made after the normal backup cyclus. The normal cyclus will
    // be enabled, when a player joins.
    // Broadcast message when starting a backup.
    // Notify : Remove the messages(not the property) to disable an broadcast.
    MessageStartBackup=[Server] Creating backup files, you may experience a slight lag for a few moments.
    // Broadcast message when completed a backup
    // Notify : Remove the messages(not the property) to disable an broadcast.
    MessageFinishBackup=[Server] Backup complete.
    // the names of worlds that shouldn't backuped by the server, seperate them by
    // a semicolon
    // Example : World1;World2;Nether
    // If enabled, the backups will compressed and stored in a ZIP Archive named with
    // the current timestamp.
    // If disabled, the backup will stored in a folder name with the timestamp.
    // Custom date format string that is appended to every backup
    // If left empty, the default date format is used
    // This has to be a correct Java String.format string, see
    // http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/Formatter.html#syntax
    // for reference.
    // Example: -%1$tFT%1$tH%1$tM (ISO 8601 conforming!)
    // Enables the auto-save function after the backup.
    // IMPORTANT: If you set this to false, the will continue to backup your worlds,
    // but not save the data from the memory to your hard disc. If the server is crashing
    // between the backup intervall, all work is lost!
    // Shall the complete plugin folder also backuped
    Not sure whats wrong with it, it just will not run a backup...

    I have been using this plugin for quite some time and have had no problems with it, nothing has really changed that I can think of that would make it stop working. Any idea's on solving this would be greatly appreciated.
  9. Offline


    I've reworded the configuration file to be more English/user friendly.
    Any ETA on archives that are compatible with worldedit's //restore feature?
    config.ini (open)
    // --All variables are in minutes--
    // How often show the backup run? (#)
    // Notice: -1 Will disable automatic backups. You have to run the backups now manually!
    // How many backups are retained? If this limit is hit, the oldest backup will be removed. (#)
    // Only allow Ops to preform manual backups? (true/false)
    // Should backups only be preformed when there are players on the server?
    // Notice: When the last player leaves the server, a final backup will be made
    // within the backup cycle. The automatic backup cycle will resume when a player
    // joins. (true/false)
    // Server broadcast message when starting a backup.
    // Notice : Remove the messages(not the property) to disable a broadcast. (text)
    MessageStartBackup=Starting backup
    // Server broadcast message when a backup is completed.
    // Notice : Remove the messages(not the property) to disable a broadcast. (text)
    MessageFinishBackup=Backup complete
    // Worlds that should not be archived by the server, seperate them by
    // a semicolon. (directory names)
    // Example : World1;World2;Nether
    // Custom date format string that is appended to every backup.
    // If left empty, the default date format is used.
    // This has to be a Java String.format string, see
    // http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/Formatter.html#syntax
    // for reference.
    // Example: -%1$tY%1$tm%1$td-%1$tH%1$tM%1$tS (YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS: 20101201-011323) (conforms to ISO 8601)
    // ZIP backups?
    // If enabled, backups will be compressed and stored in a ZIP archive named with
    // the current timestamp.
    // If disabled, the backup will stored in a folder with the timestamp. (true/false)
    // Enables the auto-save function after the backup.
    // Notice: If you set this to false, this plugin will backup your worlds but not save
    // the data from the memory to your hard disc. If the server crashes between
    // backups, all work is lost. Disable if you use another plugin to save the world
    // to disk (EG: autosave). (true/false)
    // Backup plugin directory? (true/false)
  10. Offline


    Thank you for your help. Yeah, my english skills are not so good, thanks for it.

    ETA will be this evening or the next week, 'cause at the weekend I'm busy.
    Maybe this isn't referring to my plugin , but to the API. I do not have any ideas, I will try to analyze the problem, but can not promise any results. Sorry man.
  11. Offline


    I found the problem.

    I have a plugin that blocks "Can't Keep Up!" messages, I disabled the plugin to see if that could be the problem, and sure enough, every 3 seconds the console was being spammed with "Can't Keep Up!" so I temp deleted all my plugins except backup, and sure enough, it worked perfectly fine again.

    So the problem as I can see it would be a messed up server clock. Now I just need to go through my plugins and figure out which one is the one eating all my CPU...
  12. Offline


    This is one of my favorite plugins, thank you Meldanor! ;)

    I have a problem. When the number of backups reached to a specified in the config-file, server brought a message "Delete old backups. Removing the following backups due to age: ...", but in fact those backups are not deleted - they are still in folder "backups". So I have to delete old backups manually.

    Why is this happening?

    I have Windows7, and set all permissions for all groups for "backups" foder, but it didn't help.
  13. Offline


    Might I request a /restore command to restore from a custom backup?

    Sweet plugin btw. I love it! :D
  14. Offline


    I will test this, maybe I've broken it in my development.
    I also prefer to add this feature in my plugin, but at the moment, I do not have any solution for this, because after a reload I would have to restart the server.
  15. Offline


    Hello, I have the issue, that sometimes the ziping failed. Now I looked into the log and found:
    2011-05-21 11:01:36 [INFO] java.io.IOException: Failed to copy full contents from 'plugins/dynmap/web/tiles/world/flat_128_7_-2.png' to 'backups/21052011-110120/plugins/dynmap/web/tiles/world/flat_128_7_-2.png'
    2011-05-21 11:01:36 [INFO]      at io.FileUtils.doCopyFile(FileUtils.java:309)
    2011-05-21 11:01:36 [INFO]      at io.FileUtils.doCopyDirectory(FileUtils.java:264)
    2011-05-21 11:01:36 [INFO]      at io.FileUtils.doCopyDirectory(FileUtils.java:262)
    2011-05-21 11:01:36 [INFO]      at io.FileUtils.doCopyDirectory(FileUtils.java:262)
    2011-05-21 11:01:36 [INFO]      at io.FileUtils.doCopyDirectory(FileUtils.java:262)
    2011-05-21 11:01:36 [INFO]      at io.FileUtils.doCopyDirectory(FileUtils.java:262)
    2011-05-21 11:01:36 [INFO]      at io.FileUtils.copyDirectory(FileUtils.java:230)
    2011-05-21 11:01:36 [INFO]      at io.FileUtils.copyDirectory(FileUtils.java:156)
    2011-05-21 11:01:36 [INFO]      at io.FileUtils.copyDirectory(FileUtils.java:125)
    2011-05-21 11:01:36 [INFO]      at threading.BackupTask.backup(BackupTask.java:77)
    2011-05-21 11:01:36 [INFO]      at threading.BackupTask.run(BackupTask.java:57)
    2011-05-21 11:01:36 [INFO]      at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.scheduler.CraftWorker.run(CraftWorker.java:34)
    2011-05-21 11:01:36 [INFO]      at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)
    At this time there was a directory but no zip. This would be nice, if it will continue creating a backup. Also it doesn't delete the directory, although it is outdated (so there was directories days ago, but only some zips).

  16. Offline


    I got this error.

    2011-05-22 10:59:39 [INFO] Start backup
    2011-05-22 10:59:39 [INFO] Forcing save..
    2011-05-22 10:59:39 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Forcing save..
    2011-05-22 10:59:39 [INFO] Saving chunks
    2011-05-22 10:59:40 [INFO] Save complete.
    2011-05-22 10:59:40 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Save complete.
    2011-05-22 10:59:40 [INFO] Disabling level saving..
    2011-05-22 10:59:40 [INFO] ConsoleCommandSender: Disabling level saving..
    2011-05-22 10:59:43 [INFO] java.io.FileNotFoundException: netherworld/level.dat_new (No such file or directory)
    2011-05-22 10:59:43 [INFO]     at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method)
    2011-05-22 10:59:43 [INFO]     at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:137)
    2011-05-22 10:59:43 [INFO]     at io.FileUtils.doCopyFile(FileUtils.java:289)
    2011-05-22 10:59:43 [INFO]     at io.FileUtils.doCopyDirectory(FileUtils.java:264)
    2011-05-22 10:59:43 [INFO]     at io.FileUtils.copyDirectory(FileUtils.java:230)
    2011-05-22 10:59:43 [INFO]     at io.FileUtils.copyDirectory(FileUtils.java:156)
    2011-05-22 10:59:43 [INFO]     at io.FileUtils.copyDirectory(FileUtils.java:125)
    2011-05-22 10:59:43 [INFO]     at threading.BackupTask.backup(BackupTask.java:74)
    2011-05-22 10:59:43 [INFO]     at threading.BackupTask.run(BackupTask.java:57)
    2011-05-22 10:59:43 [INFO]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.scheduler.CraftWorker.run(CraftWorker.java:34)
    2011-05-22 10:59:43 [INFO]     at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:679)
    I guess the level.dat_new file was temporary and got deleted before the backup completed?

    Problem is that because this exception wasn't caught by the plugin the plugin stopped working without re-enabling "level saving" - when the server restarted two hours later we seem to have lost all changes in between (odd because I thought that the restart would have saved, but it didn't).

    Can you please put a try {} catch {} around this section so that the plugin can re-enable level saving even if things didn't work?

    Also, it is possible to ignore specific plugin folders? I want to backup the plugin directory but not the dynmap tiles.
  17. Offline


    I need some help. a griefer joined the server and helled lava everywhere. i used my latest backup and got going again. but then none of my friends could join the server D:. the connection just timed out for them. please help!
  18. Offline


    I read through the first couple pages and didn't see anything about setting a different backup location? I'd really like to have this backup to a folder on my external drive if at all possible. Any thoughts or ideas?
  19. Offline


    agtwonderbread, why moving entire server's folder to your external drive is not solution?
  20. Offline


    Doesn't that defeat the purpose of a "backup"? A backup should be on a completely separate drive from what's being backed up. If my HDD dies I really don't want my server and my backup of my server on the same dead drive.
  21. Offline


    Oh, it really sounds reasonable.
  22. Offline


    Heads up, i think your disable level saving and enable level saving messages are backwards.
  23. Could you make an option in the settings for where files should be backed up to. I like to keep lots of backups and 20GBs of them is nothing for my server, but for the SSD running MC its huge data real estate.
  24. Offline


    I will implement setting a directory path in my new release, 1.6. If you have netbeans, you can download my source and compile it. I'm working on a good solution to restore the old save system and waiting for the official release of bukkit for 1.6. And then, i will release my 1.6.
  25. Offline


    Sounds good, thanks for the update. 1.6 seems like it's going to be a pain for a few days until we get a recommended build.
  26. Offline


    If I understood this right... It saves your world right before backing it up and then backs it up in some folder in a ZIP? How many ZIPs does it create? IF i manually do /backup three times or it automatically backups three times, will i have three zips? Can i set the ammount of backups it will store before overwriting the first? This way, if the world is accidentally backed up after a griefing raid, i could go back to an earlier backup?

    Seems like a pretty nice plugin. Depending on these features above, i might just get it!
  27. Offline


    1. Question : Yes
    2. Question : At the moment all worlds(and the plugin folder) are stored in one zip for each backup. In the next release of my plugin you are able to store each world in its own zip.
    3. Question: Yes, there are three zip.
    4. Question: Yes, you can.
    5. Questions: Yes.
  28. Offline


    Well then this plugin is exactly what i need! Great work.
    By the way, how do i change how many backups it stores before overwriting the first one?
    Is it " MaximumBackups=1440 " ? But will it in this case create 1440 zips before overwriting the first? :confused: Won't that take a great deal of space after a while?

    And i assume " BackupIntervall=15 " Are the minutes between each automatic save+backup?
  29. Offline


    Correct. I set my config to 25 backupfiles max and backup every 120 minutes. Works flawlessly!

    Big THX again to @Meldanor!!!
  30. Offline


    Did you fix the bug in mine and the following post?

    It caused on my server (because of a bad link) that every backup/zip failed. Maybe not only eat the exception. Would be nice, if there is a logger message/warning, that a file/directory was skiped.

  31. Offline


    Yeah, the 1440 was a result of a wrong calculation. You can change this to 100 , this would be enough.

    The backup write all player and map data from the RAM to the hard disc and zip this content in a backup in every X minutes, you have given in BackupIntervall.
    Every 15 minutes it do this or all 10 minutes.

    Oh, I've forgot to fix this, sorry. But I will implement a fix before I will release the next version 1.6.

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