[INACTIVE][ADMIN][GEN]HunkleberryGeneral v0.75 - Friendly Commands [493]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Glen McNeilley, Feb 23, 2011.

  1. Offline

    Glen McNeilley

    HunkleberryGeneral - Friendly General Commands Plugin:
    • NEW-/msg, /reply and /afk. Better persisting. Sorted properties files. Better formed response from material matching.
    • NEW-Constraining functions, /setname may only set your own name, added /setothername. Added /home, /sethome, and /worldhome, /setworldhome- different options you may offer to groups that don't have full rights.
    • NEW-/setname persists through server restarts.
    • NEW-/sights, and /see, persisted world aware private named locations.
    • NEW-/worldloadlist, set worlds to load on startup. /hg_help displays only commands you can use.
    This is a friendly general command plugin with a number of excellent features. It will never do more than monitor the chat commands (nearly), which should allow for flawless integration with other plugins. In the event of a command name conflict a properties file is available to set an alias for the particular command, or all of them. Also provided is a config file for renaming the given Permissions2.0(Not Required) keys, and two config files that allow for the setting of server-wide and Ops permissions, all at the individual command level.

    Getting started:
    Please copy the plugin into your plugin directory and /reload your server to generate the plugins/HunkleberryGeneral/ path and properties files. Delete this path or these files at any time to have them regenerate with defaults at the next server reload.

    (alias functionality temporarily removed)
    (help with a workaround here)
    Download the C.B. 493+ plugin here (google docs)
    or wgetable (github)
    Download an example MOTD file here (google docs)
    Download the source code here (github)

    Commands of note:
    • /sights and /see, private named locations.
    • /leap and /flick, well implemented world-aware teleport command.
    • /getblock and /giveblock, itemdata aware inventory generators for items under your crosshair.
    • /slay and /cleardrops, to clean up any messy world spawns
    • /strata, a command which allows you to teleport x number of air/solid block transitions (stratum, loosely) such as walls, mountains, trees,..., e.g., using /strata 3 while looking at the ceiling at the bottom of a multi-story building will teleport you 3 floors up. Last but not least using /strata 0 will teleport you to the face of the solid under your crosshair, as long as safe ground is below.
    • /setworldtype, creates a file in the world directory that permanently declares the environment of the world. This file is read by /loadworld, negating the possibility of messing up the world by using the wrong environment type.
    • /worldloadlist, set the worlds that will load on startup.

    /get {itemId|itemName} [quantity:default=1] [itemData:default=null]
    /give {playerName} {itemId|itemName} [quantity:default=1] [itemData:default=null]
    /getblock [quantity:default=1] [itemData:default=targeted]
    /giveblock {playerName} [quantity:default=1] [itemData:default=targeted]
    /clearinv [playerName:default=self]
    /clearinvall [playerName:default=self]
    /listinv [playerName:default=self]
    /matcontains {string}
    /heal [playerName:default=self]
    /setname {newName} [index,color/...:default=no color]
    /setnameother {playerName} {newName} [index,color/...:default=no color]
    /who [world:default=all] [brief|long:default=brief]
    /setspawn [{x} {y} {z} [worldName]]:default=current location
    /setcompass [playerName] [x y z] [here]:default=current world spawn
    /msg {playerName(*=all)[.worldName(*=all):default=all]} {message}
    /reply {message}
    /afk [message]
    /sights {add|remove|list|save}[name:req. for set|remove]
    /see [name:default=home]
    /leap [[worldName] [playerName] [x y z]]:default=current world spawn
    /fling {name}[worldName] [playerName] [x y z]:default=current world spawn
    /gather [playerName:default=all] [worldName:default=all]
    /strata [number:default=0]
    /gettime [playerName:default=self]
    /time [playerName:default=self] [time:default=noon]
    /loadworld {worldName}
    /createworld {worldName} {normal|nether}
    /setworldtype {worldName} {normal|nether}
    /worldloadlist {add|remove|list|save}
    /hg_help [command]:default=list commands
    /bounce {player} [minutes:default=forever] [message]
    /unbounce {player}
    /bounceip {player} [minutes:default=forever] [message]
    /forcebounce {player|ip}
    /loadplugin {name}
    /disableplugin {name}
    /enableplugin {name}
    /writehtml (no arguments)
    /writebukkit (no arguments)
    /writeyaml (no arguments)
    /setcommandalias {command} [alias:default=""]
    /setserverallow {command} {true|false}
    /setopsonly {command} {true|false}
    /setpermissions {command} [new string:default=""]


    • 0.75 /msg, /reply, /afk, persistance tweaks, matching list tweaks
    • 0.74 /setname v./setothername, /home, /sethome, /worldhome, /setworldhome
    • 0.73 added url to enable string while forums were down. /bounceip back again
    • 0.72 /setname now persists
    • 0.71 bugfix sight naming
    • 0.70 bugfix doc now reads add rather than set for /sights, rounded off /values.
    • 0.69 /sights, /see, internal data storage refactor.
    • 0.68 /worldloadlist, hg_help shows only commands you can use Head/440 builds
    • 0.67 /bounce,/bounceip,/unbounce,/forcebounce,/reloadbouncer,fix compass, refactor for new command setup
    • 0.66 /compass, /spawn, fix /time Holding C.B. at 444 for peace of mind for a bit
    • 0.65 /gather, better material name matching
    • 0.6 /who, /playerinfo, /setcompass
    • 0.51 bugfix for setname C.B 450
    • 0.5 /matcontains, material name matching, player alias matching.new delimiter for MOTD

    Task List:

    • persist player name changes, named locations, custom time settings
    • add many more of the common [GEN] and [ADMIN] commands /god, /tree...
    • kits.txt support
    • let me know what would be useful
    Jandalf likes this.
  2. Offline


    HG has its own OP based permission system, but u could use it with permissions so that u could define u could use which command.
  3. Offline


    Hey Man you have an issue with your 440 download the file extension is .440 for others downloading just remove the .440 and say yes to the stupid windows warning.
  4. Offline


    There's not really much of a reason to stay on 440. All my plugins work on 478 (haven't tried 480 yet):

    -Slowhealth 2.3
    -MagicCarpet 1.4.3
    -HunkleberryGeneral 0.68
    -Multiverse 1.4
    -Worldguard 4.0
    -Worldedit 4.0
    -Simplehome 1.5
    -MyWarp 1.10.3
    -Groupmanager 0.99D with fake permissions
  5. Offline

    Glen McNeilley

    fixed both downloads, thanks
    --- merged: Mar 1, 2011 3:30 PM ---
    /home and /sethome are in the works
    --- merged: Mar 1, 2011 3:31 PM ---
    I'll keep up with the 440 build until the last recommended has incremented, and then a little while longer. I'm glad that folks are catching up.
    --- merged: Mar 1, 2011 3:39 PM ---
    good point, I'll go with the standard color indicators before I start persisting names

    not so sure about merging/ordering the properties files, but I'll give it some thought. I'd be more likely to go with a database, maybe something you could access with http://code.google.com/p/sqlite-manager/
  6. Offline


    Yer at last count i have 17 plugins (5 are minecart mania) So i just stick to the recommended builds So that changing is easier Now if only dynmap would do that same i can finally use it and they jumped to build 450 just that 1 to many if i install it now it will crash the plugin loaded and Uh not cool...
  7. Offline


    yeah something like that but i think an additional tool for editing the config should only be optional, cause many users dont want to get along with this. csv has the advantage that it could be read with notepad and something like MSexcel or OOcalc. but i know its not easy to read this files...
    --- merged: Mar 1, 2011 5:19 PM ---
    may i ask if u could cut this lines to fit in one line each because they are a little too long?
    2011-03-01 18:12:46 [INFO] [HunkleberryGeneral]: Found Permissions, using it for permissions.
    2011-03-01 18:12:47 [INFO] [HunkleberryGeneral]: Unable to find MOTD: plugins/HunkleberryGeneral/MOTD.txt
    2011-03-01 18:12:47 [INFO] [HunkleberryGeneral]: HunkleberryGeneral version 0.67 is enabled
    and could u make the motd maybe optional, cause i dont need it and the info nags
    --- merged: Mar 1, 2011 5:27 PM ---
    next one:
    could u add a /search [item] command to get an id for the get command?
  8. Offline


    If you're close to the name it suggests alternatives. I had "/get redstone torch" and the real name was either "redstone_torch_on" or "redstone_torch_off" (either worked).
  9. Offline

    Glen McNeilley

    also for mat finding- the material specifying arguments are space(' ') sensitive and multiple worlds should be delimited by an underscore or period. So /get dia.pic (or /get dia_pick) would resolve to diamond_pick exclusively, and /get dia.axe would resolve to a list of diamond_pickaxe and diamond_axe (as well all mats that, when underscores are removed, start with diapic, none of course)

    /get redr would return exclusively red_rose

    /get redstone_on (or redstone.on) will return exclusively redstone_torch_on
    as will
    /get torch_on

    /matcontains just return any mats that contain a single word/part of a word

    For the motd- put an empty MOTD.txt in the HunkleberryGeneral directory to remove the nag. I'll look at making the messages more concise.
  10. Offline


    ah yes, hm before that i havent understood matcontains:D ok then it should work, but IDs are just shorter, maybe u could add /search for ids as low priority...
    --- merged: Mar 1, 2011 7:39 PM ---
    omg, strange, suddenly a cannot use ANY alias commands the normal one are oll working. and HG says im on 0.67 but i downloaded 0.68 from the first link, whats wrong?
  11. Offline


    Re CraftBukkitUpToDate:
    Wonderful, thanks!
    CButD has even updated itself to add your download link to its database!
  12. Offline


    I'm also having issues with 0.68. I have updated CB to 482, but HG 0.68 will not load with it. I get the following error:
    2011-03-01 14:53:33 [SEVERE] PLAYER_COMMAND loading HunkleberryGeneral v0.68 (Is it up to date?)
    java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: PLAYER_COMMAND
            at com.LandOfGlendria.HunkleberryGeneral.HunkleberryGeneral.onEnable(HunkleberryGeneral.java:45)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:118)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:414)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:187)
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:83)
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(CraftServer.java:61)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(MinecraftServer.java:204)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:191)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(MinecraftServer.java:131)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:246)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:366)
    However, HG 0.67 runs fine. I really like the auto-load of multiple worlds in 0.68, though. FWIW, 0.68 also doesn't work with CB 478, which according to TPMJB, it should. Keep up the good work, and let me know if you need any further information!
  13. Offline

    Glen McNeilley

    Sorry for the trouble, looking into it.
    --- merged: Mar 2, 2011 12:02 AM ---
    Yep, aliasing is broken for the higher build number. The only way to do it is in the plugin.yml file in the HunkleberryGeneral.jar file.

    However, according to this post it will soon be possible to do so, again, programatically.

    --- merged: Mar 2, 2011 12:04 AM ---
    I will upload a new C.B. 484 build to remove the PLAYER_COMMAND issue.
  14. Offline


    Ok so wait what how what do we fix the aliasing? Build 484 fixes it or what?

    this is a real bummber i managed to get working versions of all my plugins for build 474 and if 484 brakes all them again im screwed :/
  15. Offline

    Glen McNeilley

    Hopefully the next recommended build has dynamic command registration. If so it will be a no-brainer for me. Otherwise there is no good answer. I could have one registered command, hg for instance, and all real commands would look like /hg leap and /hg bounce, but you could alias them, lol. /hg whateveryouwant...
  16. Offline

    Mr. Miner

    Oh my! And there it is! Truly, you are a wonderful developer : )
    In the /worldloadlist help entry, there is a small typo; entrys should be entries. n_n
  17. Offline


    From what I read the Update To the command system should not brake any thing..... But it has already broke this Uh that sucks....

    Mind telling me how to edit the plugin.yml so it works Im assuming i can pull it out of the jar file edit it and put it back?
  18. Offline


    That worked perfectly, thanks so much!
  19. Offline


    Combat what worked? Did u edit the plugin.yml?
  20. Offline


    No, Glen uploaded a new version of HG. I just downloaded and added it, and restarted my server.
  21. Offline


    uh changlog says 6.8 is out downloaded the plugin and on start up it says 6.7 still Is it a lie?
  22. Offline


    I don't know, I use CraftBukkitUpToDate and it told me a new one was available.
  23. Offline

    Glen McNeilley

    It's just aliasing commands in real time that isn't working. No one else should be bothered.

    editing the jar file contents is "at your own risk" the program 7-zip can open them and you should see plugins.yml (it's a regular text file) first thing. edit it, adding a name to the alias line for the given command such that it ends up looking like
    aliases: [newalias]
    brackets and all. don't mess with the spacing in the file or it may complain.
    save the jar with the new plugin.yml and give it a shot. no guarantees.
    Thanks, I'm looking forward to bigger and better craftbukkits so it can all come together again nice and friendly.
    Thanks! (don't look at my code: ) )
    --- merged: Mar 2, 2011 4:22 AM ---
    It's not a lie (anymore) C.B.484 version loses access to alias commands temporarily
  24. Offline


    ok thx for that man Iv edited it and it works i can now use it on my server yay.

    for any 1 else that needs it here is my plugin.yml it has most of the common aliases that i'm sure most of you renamed them to any way i included some doubles like both /i and /item goto and tp.

    How to use it:

    First Go remove ur alias.yml from your plugins folder keep it safe for later. keeping this in will make things not work if its edited so let it make a new blank 1 by removing it from the folder.

    grab the plugin jar right click it > open with> winrar or 7zip. (dont have them go Google)
    With winrar window pops up drag the file thats attached into the window and click save on the window that pops up close winrar drag plugin jar into plugins folder if not already there. DONE :p

    Glen i hope you don't mind me posting this is you want it removed just say so:

    Download here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15543708/plugin.yml
    souterain likes this.
  25. Offline

    Glen McNeilley

  26. Offline


    thanks for the serverlog fix:)
    --- merged: Mar 2, 2011 4:34 PM ---
    could u please fix /loc because its throws very long number, could u cut it to 0-2 decimal points?
  27. Offline


    This is kind of a dumb request, but when the server is loading the motd it colors characters green for default and red for OP. Is there any way to customize that for different user classes as defined in permissions? I'd like it to display user by the classes I define rather than the regular "default" and "OP". I have Builders, moderators, admins, and default.

    Also is there any way for this to carry over to chat without using a chat plugin (not that I mind using it, just wanted to know before I do)?
  28. Offline

    Glen McNeilley

    I will, is had been neglected.
    That would be pretty tough for me, however, when I get name changes persisting I will add a motd tag to use the saved names, which, while up to the users if you are allowing it, will provide some flexibility at least.

    A separate chat program would be best.
  29. Offline


    I don't mean to be a bother but /bounceip was broken in .69 and .71 (not sure about .70). It was working in .68
  30. Offline

    Glen McNeilley

    I had a repository hickup, let me know if anything else is funny.
    --- merged: Mar 4, 2011 7:31 AM ---
    Where did everyone go? ha. Everything working O.K.? I've got a couple smallish things to fix/add. Any suggestions for needed features?
  31. Offline


    ok, all i want is /afk with afk tag above ur head and /searchid to search an id of an item
    --- merged: Mar 4, 2011 8:28 AM ---
    and could u please sort the commands in the files after name or when sorted by the user, dont mix it again
    --- merged: Mar 4, 2011 8:34 AM ---
    and: could u add a static link to the jar, for craftbukkituptodate support?

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