Solved I'm blanking on something here....

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Tirelessly, Dec 12, 2012.

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    For some reason this plugin that I'm making isn't loading. There's no error.

    When I try to use /plugman load, I get "File exists, but it isn't a plugin file!"

    I restarted the server, not a message about it. It's compressed to a jar, contains the plugin.yml in the src folder with all necessary information, bukkit referenced, JavaPlugin extended, containing onEnable and onDisable.... What am I missing? I know I'm not providing any code but I know I did those parts that I mentioned correctly as I've done them many many times.
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    Can you upload the JAR? It's hard for us to diagnose the issue if we don't have any code....
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    Ok, I just figured it out on my own. Since I hate people who say solved but don't say how, I'll tell you how I'm stupid.

    Under main in plugin.yml, I wrote out the path to the package, not to the actual .java file. Thus producing no error, but not working.
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