*IDEA* SimpleProtect

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by EpicAwesome1, Apr 10, 2012.

  1. Offline


    How about a plugin where you can simply type /protect <radius> and the area will be protected? I think it would be a quick plugin to make and would be very benefitial to server Admins. I even have a list of commands!

    /protect (radius) (name) = Protects and names a certain area
    /protdel (name) = Deletes protection of an area
    /protrename (oldname) (newname) = Renames a protected area
    /protplayeradd (playername) (areaname) = Allows a certain player to modify a protected area
    /protplayerdel (playername) (areaname) = Takes the ability to modify a protected area from a player
    /protlist = Shows a list of protected areas
    /protplayerlist (name) = Shows a list of players that are allowed to modify a protected area
    /simpleprotect = Shows the list of commands for SimpleProtect

    I think this would be a simple little plugin to make
  2. Offline


    WorldGuard can do this... it's easier with WG too.....

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