[IDEA]Section Protection

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by PlungerPig, Oct 8, 2012.

  1. Offline


    MrBluebear3 I have never messed with protections or anything, but I am interested in possibly helping if you still need help.
  2. Offline


    Anyone can help!
  3. Offline


    I have never really used GitHub, as this will be my first project that I have done with another person, is that going to be a problem?
  4. Offline


    It takes a bit of getting use to but there are many online tutorials!
  5. Offline


    I basically just took a java class in school, and then found mc and was like yay I actually some what know what I am doing :p
  6. Offline



    1. Wanted to do some form of programming
    2. Does a bit of JavaScript
    3. Finds Minecraft
    4. Plays Minecraft
    5. Makes a small vanilla server
    6. Makes a Bukkit server
    7. Gets lots of plugins
    8. Requests a plugin
    9. Likes the idea of making plugins
    10. Learns Java
    11. Makes plugins :D
    Woobie likes this.
  7. Offline


    That is actually about the same for me, I currently administrate a bukkit server myself, just replace the javascript with a java class :p
    MrBluebear3 also add me on skype if you would like to talk more about this, it seems like we are needlessly bumping this request with small talk :D
  8. Offline


    No Problem MrBluebear3 i alwready have WorldGuard and even if it uses 100 plugins its good :D
  9. Offline


    You are like the brother that I never had.
    MrBluebear3 likes this.
  10. Offline


    I'm at step 10.5 learning to make bukkit plugins :D

    Is there something easy that i can help ?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2016
  11. Offline


  12. Offline


    Yeah, need someone else to do the WorldGuard bit :'(

    I can do all the rest though :(
  13. Offline


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  15. Offline


  16. Offline


    Could You:

    1.Make It So That It Doesn't Require WorldGuard
    2.Make A Simple Option In The Config To Disable OPs From Having Access To Everything (ie. Just The Owner Of The Protection Can Do Anything)
    3. Could You When Its All Done Compile(?) It Please, I Don't Know How To (ie. So Its A Ready To Go .jar)

    Thx, Matt :D[creeper]
  17. Offline


  18. Offline


    This is moderately old : - o Heck, I've even changed username :p

    If nothing like this ever got made, it should be easy enough to make with using WorldGuard as a dependency :3
    PlungerPig and TheWolfBadger like this.

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