NAME:Section Protection USAGE:To protect a certain area that is surrounded by block defined in config.yml(default red wool),that section is than protected from grief raid(block break,chest,raid,door open,...).You can add more features by adding flags. COMMANDS: /sp - help command. /sp create <name> - to create section. /sp done <name> - to end your section;DEV can add feature that if the loop finishes section is done. /sp edit <name> -to edit your section, this cen be used for deleting. /sp bypass - to bypass all sections. /sp info - to see info of selecton you are standing in or the section name you typed,info you can see:Owner,Name,Time of Creation. /sp flag <name> <flagname> - To change section features /sp defaultblock <id> - define block that is used for section creation /sp version - get plugin version FLAGS: difficulty - to change difficulty of section (0-peaceful,1-easy,2-normal,3-hardcore) firespread - to allow or deny firespread in section tntexplosion - to allow or deny tnt explosion in section creeperexplosion - to allow or deny creeper explosion in section mobspawn - ro allow or deny spawning of certain mobs and mob entering into section pvp - to allow or deny pvp in section greeting - to display message when player enteres a section farewell - to display message when player exitits a section raid - to allow or deny raiding CONFIG.YML: -To define block that will be used to create section,default red wool -To make plugin use economy PERMISSIONS: sp.user.create - /sp create <name> sp.user.done - /sp done <name> sp.user.edit - /sp edit <name> sp.user.flag - /sp flag <name> <flagname> - /sp info <name> sp.user.version - /sp version sp.admin.bypass - /sp bypass sp.admin.defaultblock - /sp defaultblock <id> Post anything you would want to be added :D
That's better Good idea BTW EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
You are my man If you can just send me the file with protection and then if you can add commands to it later..
Okay when you have time pls just try to make the protection thing going cuz i cant run my server for 2-3 weeks cuz i need that plugin hope you can make it
This is essentialy world guard isnt it? Other than a few minor differences you can do the majority of this.
World guard can make regions which aren't square, use //selpoly (and //expand vert, if you want it bedrock to sky) to select different shapes. Only It wont have the red wool outline but you could add that anyway.
i want users to do it without command like poligons but just to type command to create region and then put block abra cadabra they have protected region And if you can just protection without that all commands and tht stuff i will be pleased.
Sweet ask calebbfmv And if you can put code for me to see because im learning to make bukkit plugins..Thank you
Hey that is indeed my name! But alas yes, if you have any questions, feel free to add me on skype (pm me for it)
This would be a bit hard.. I guess you could set a radios and get all the red blocks and SOMEHOW format multiple vectors without any issues..
And thats exactly what i dont want i want to surround not to make radious (There are many plugins for radious but i want this)
Get any alias plugins that lets you have multiple commands in one (i use Better Alias even though its outdated) Get world guard (im assuming you know how to use it a bit. tell me if you don't) You need 2 commands 1 "//sel poly" # this is the selection of a multiple pointed shape. so you can have any perimeter you like. 2 "/yournewregionclaimcommand" (it does all the following lines in one go) //expand vert # (this makes the selection extend from bedrock to sky. //region claim <playername> # most alias plugins have a way to take the name of the player using cmd //region flag <playername> pvp deny #or any flag you like //region flag <playername>flagxxx allow #or any flag you like //more flags ^ ^ ^ //region redefine <playername> # This one allows them to MOVE and already existing regions.. (the other commands will just fail without changing any flags) If you decide to use BetterAlias (even though it's outdated) i can send you my exact aliases. If you want to be able to SEE your regions (when you choose too) Google and download Worldedit Cui (client patch)
You readed my post and posts ?...I dont want world edit for 100 time ...and i dont want to give users those perms cuz this is user controled protection plugin...if you want to help coding cuz its started ask MrBluebear3
PlungerPig Just so you know I will be using the WorldGuard API for this! This means that you will need WorldGuard installed, however my plugin will only use WorldGuard for regions, not for selecting them but for protecting them, so don't worry. This means you can select them with the way you specified on the OP but can have all the features of WorldGuard too!