iConomy / Register API help

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by quaz3l, Dec 31, 2011.

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    I have a plugin that needs to give money rewards but I am having trouble with the API's. I want to support as many economy plugins as possible so I tried using register, but when I try to check if a player has an account it gives me a NullExceptionError when I run it. Here is the relevant code:
    // Setup Economy
    Method economy Methods.getMethod();
    // ...
    player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN player.getName());
    MethodAccount account economy.getAccount(player.getName());
    account.add((double) getQuestConfig().getInt("0.market.reward.money"));
    Everything is imported correctly and the package is named differently than original register to avoid conflicts.

    If there is a better plugin to work with many economies or if none of these work how would I work with iConomy.
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