I need Ranks help

Discussion in 'General Help' started by CaliProGaming, Oct 16, 2014.

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    so I need there to be something that tells me how long someone has been playing my server, and also so they can check. It should tell them how many times they've voted and after it says that voted, lets say 20 times? Then they will be able to rank up to a another one of my GroupManager Groups. I've seen this on another server where the command /profile was used and it showed how long they played the server and how many votes. Someone tell me how to do this!

    Someone help me please!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2016
  2. Offline



    There are more than a few plugins that can do this. The one I use is called AutoRank. This would require the advanced config and a database. Also for some of the reqs you stated it would also require stats or votifer for votes.

    The simple setup supports time played which is nice but the advanced config is honestly not very easy to setup.
  3. Offline


    Well I already have votifier so what should I do? I want it to show like how many times theyve voted and stuff, would AutoRank work with that?
  4. Offline


    CaliProGaming I don't use group manager but according to auto rank's page it says work with most permission plugins so it should. Ill be honest setting up the advanced config kinda group my server for a day or 2. Its not easy but if you can get it set up players can check requirements to rank up and it allows a bunch of different requirements to be set per level. Also once all the requirements are met they rank up and you can execute a command or by default it just tells they player and the server that they have ranked up.
  5. Offline


    Ok good, but is there anyone who can help me set this up?
  6. Offline


    There are videos on youtube but it requires a database like MySQL so if you do not have one of those I believe you have to stick with the simple config which is what I am doing. There are videos on youtube that can explain it or even on their page.

  7. Offline


    I have a MySQL so should i watch videos on that?
  8. Offline


    CaliProGaming checking back for you I finally got the mysql set up and tbh you can ignore my original post my server host had an error on there side and I thought it was a plugin error. Autorank has now been running great for 2 day! :)
  9. Offline


    I use Group Manager and its super easy, flexible, and works. Even though its last update was for 1.2.5 it still works on 1.8 and 1.7.10, flawlessly. I like it because it works with the other, more updated/advanced essentials plugins without any flaws.
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