I need help with PermissionsBukkit

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by kiziolek06, Jan 15, 2017.

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    Hello! I need help with PermissionsBukkit. I am making a server and I need to do the ranks: "Owner", "Co-Owner". "HeadAdmin", "Admin", "Moderator", "VIP", "Titan" and "User".
    I need help, if someone can show me how to or make me a config file, I would really apprieciate it.
    (BTW, the permissions are: Co-owner, Owner have every perm, Admin has access to Ban, Kick, mute and Tempban and other things that admins can do normally, Head Admin would basically be Admin but with /broadcast and a little bit more abilities,
    Mod would have access to Ban, Kick, mute and Tempban
    VIP would have access to special kits in skywars, TITAN would have access to special kits in skywars but the kits would be better, VIP would have 3 plots on the Creative world, (PlotSquared) and TITAN would have 5 plots in the creative world. User would just be a normal user, all ranks higher than User would have access to typing in color.
    As I said, if someone would show me how to make a config file like that or make me a config file, I would really apprieciate it.
    Thanks for reading, ~kiziolek06
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2017
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