I need help with coding!

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by xDGaming, Sep 30, 2013.

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    I need help coding a plugin that includes enchanted items, events, arenas, custom generators (like a netherrack generator) and I don't know where to start, can anyone help me?
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    Tirelessly Tehmaker I do know how to make the basics like, custom recipes, making the jar file, importing the bukkit stuff, but i dont know how to add arenas and events
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    Tehmaker yes, try that if you want to learn poor coding habits/style from someone who doesn't know what they're talking about.
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    Tirelessly That is a place to start..... Learning some Java, is better then just learning "how to write"
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    This is not true at all, tnb is a good way to start learning java.
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    Says you.
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