I Need a Ranking System Plugin!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by gamer1129, May 24, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Hey guys. I run a small server for me and my friends and I was hoping to find a plugin for ranking, where each rank has their own color, and you have commands like /rank <person> <rank> and have a message like "<Player> is now a Moderator!" But I looked all through the Admin category of the plugins list and I didn't find anything like it.

    I myself am not a programmer (yet) but I know there are a lot of epic ones on this forum (I use your plugins lol) and I was wondering if someone could please make a plugin like this.

    Just as a little recap for what I am looking for, the plugin I desire would have:

    - A ranking system, a guest rank, member, trusted, mod etc. with configurable colors and an in-game command for changing rank with a message to indicate what happened (i.e. gamer1129 is now a moderator!"

    - A superior rank override type thing, like for example, if the ranks where Admin, Op, Guest, I would like something that would make it so an op couldn't kick, ban, or demote an admin.

    - If at all possible, maybe a compatibility feature, to utilize a permissions list instead of having to configure a new one.

    I would be extremely grateful if anyone were to make a plugin to help me with this, but even if you don't and your just reading, thank you for reading my post!
  2. Offline


    Permissions + PermissionsPlus
  3. Offline


    - snip -

    Misread your post a tad. Don't use my suggestion, then.
  4. Offline


    I dont think you can promote with iChat like he said, and the plugin developer is soon to stp supporting iChat. For chat i use HeroChat.
  5. Offline


    Omg, thank you tom! That was just what I was looking for, your a life saver! Btw yes you were correct on the second post iChat wouldn't work and I agree the dude is going to stop supporting it soon so whats the point. I am going to start using this immediately! Thanks again :D
  6. Offline


    No problem. :)

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