I need a plugin that prints chat if someone mined gold/diamond

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by omgitsmewazap, Jul 12, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    Hey, I heard about this plugin where everytime you mine gold/diamond it will print it in chat. Someone said this is an easier way of catching xrayers, anyone know where to find it or what it's called? I honestly can't find it
  2. Offline


    I can make it if you don't manage to find it
    PM me if you want me to make
  3. Offline


    I think the one you're after is called 'Found Diamonds'.
    JOPHESTUS likes this.
  4. Offline


    Honestly mate, I cannot find it. But if you could and it wouldn't be to much work, that would be amazing! Thanks
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  7. Offline


    Ah, that's the one! Thanks for the correction.
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