I have the nodes for all my plugins, but what are the Bukkit nodes?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by tomutwit, Jul 13, 2012.

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    I'm making a permissions file for PermissionsEX. I have all my plugins' permission nodes but for Bukkit all I can find are the ones that give users access to /kill, /ban, /me and whatever. I need the Bukkit permissions nodes for the basic things like building and using switches.
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    i think the building perms are a towny perm nodes as well as switch/itemuse/destroy
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    towny and it's perms will define if players can build outside of towns and if so what blocks can be built and destroyed outside towns and who can build inside other towns. this also applies to switch and item use
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    that has nothing to do with topic.

    OP: http://wiki.bukkit.org/CraftBukkit_commands
    TnT likes this.
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