Problem/Bug I can join my server, but my friends can not.

Discussion in 'General Help' started by hi_zed, Jul 22, 2017.

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    Hello! I correctly portforwarded my IP (Success: I can see your service on *****on port (25565)
    Your ISP is not blocking port 25565). Yet my friends can not join my server. I am really looking forward to creating a server as it seems like a lot of fun. If someone could respond ASAP? :)

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    Please confirm the following:
    1. Can you join through localhost? This means your server is online and does work.
    2. Can you join through your external IP? This means that your IP works and that it is visible outside of your network.
    3. That your friend have the correct IP? If you are able to join through your external IP, they should too if they use the correct one.
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    Hello! I just tried to join through localhost, it did not work. However when I put in my IP I can join.
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    Are you hosting the server on your system, or though a hosting company? If its on your system and tried to join using "localhost", and still was not able to work, then you have a broken system.

    Either way, if you can join through the IP, then other people should as well. Are you sure they have the correct ip?
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    Did you set a static external IP address? (rhetorical question) It is almost impossible to get a static plain IP address. But, it is possible to route your IP address through a dynamic DNS, which A) allows you to use an easy-to-remember URL for your server, and B) also keeps up with a changing IP address. I personally use No-IP. ( and it works like a charm. It has you install a 'Dynamic Update Client' to keep track of your IP address, and update the DNS when it needs to. (Also, you should remove your internal IP address from the folder. That will allow you to connect to your server by 'localhost') Its a very confusing process to get it up and public but, it is set it and forget it. (You also need to confirm the hostname every 30 days with the free No-IP)

    It is not possible to connect to your server through your external IP address. I have tried with the IP and the dynamic DNS and will not connect.
    Zombie_Striker likes this.
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