Hunt of Herobrine

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Xxstick, Jun 25, 2014.


Is this plugin possible

  1. Yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. No

    3 vote(s)
  1. Offline


    Plugin category: PVP/Minigame

    Suggested name: Hunt of Herobrine or something like that

    What I want: I would like to request a minigame plugin, where are two Options. If the first Option wouldn't be possible, then it the second Option would be cool, too

    1. Option: Herobrine is a NPC and place tnt, burn things down, build pyramids and the other stuff the herobrine normally does. Herobrine will Hunt the Players untill all Players are dead, then Herobrine won. But if Herobrine is dead, the Players won. But to kill Herobrine should be hard. He should die of the TNT which he place and from fire. He should just take damage from the Players. The Players have at the start a configurable time to prepare like mining Diamonds and stuff so they have armor and weapons. And after the time, Herobrine will spawn. If possible then please make that every Player have automatically render distance on tiny. After a game, the Arena will be automatically rebuild. It would be cool if there is multiarena Support. And it would be cool if there are kits like one who get Wood, one who mine Stone and ores...

    2. Option: The same but Herobrine will be a random choosen Player.

    If both will be possible, it would be cool if someone can make if per Arena that one Arena have a NPC herobrine and in a other Arena a Player

    The ideas for configuration:

    -world #in which world the plugin should be activated or in wich map that means if multiverse Support is working
    -strengh: 1 #he will do 0.5 hearts of damage per hit without a weapon
    -TNT: 300 #the Maximum ammount of tnt wich he can place (not in one round, just per ignite)
    -time untill he spawn: 15 #15 minutes untill he will spawn
    -compass Show: nearest Player #Shows him the nearest Player so he will find the players
    -Armor: Diamond with enchantments: id amount, id amount #to give him armor with enchantments
    -Bow: true with enchantments: id amount #to give him a bow with enchantments
    -Sword: Diamond with enchantmens: id amount #to give him a Diamond sword with enchantments
    -Food: true: id, id, id #to give him Food like golden apples or Steak or...
    -hidden chest in pyramid: true
    -in hidden chest: id:amount:chance, id:amount:chance #to give the Players stuff from the chest
    -tunnels with redstonetorches: true #if he make tunnels with redstonetorches
    kitname: id:amount, id:amound, id:amount... #to make custom kits

    Ideas for commands:

    /pluginname reload
    /pluginname Setup (for a Setup guide)
    /pluginname join
    /pluginname leave
    /pluginname vote map
    /pluginname kit

    Ideas for permissions:


    When I'd like it by: As soon as possible
  2. Offline


    Do you know how hard it is to code a plugin like this?
  3. Offline


    no, I didnt work with Java but I think it would be hard. Would it be hard anyways if Herobrine would be a Player?
  4. Offline


    He's implying not many developers out there are willing to spend time doing this without some sort of payment. (Btw, no monetary offers here are allowed; So your best bet is to hire a developer)
  5. Offline


    before I will pay someone for a plugin, I will try again to make it with many other plugins. This should be possible, here are many plugins and I think to create such a minigame is possible with other plugins

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