How would i see if a player builds a structure

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by TrollTaylor, Feb 26, 2014.

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    I wanna see how i would check if a player builds a structure
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    Do you mean listen for when they place/break a block or like logging players actions to a config/map?
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    No i mean listen for when they build a a structure like a small house for example
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    Well, this could take a bit of lag for detection, so I would recommend having them type a command or something to run it when they have built it instead of automatically understanding when they have built it. What you could do is have it read the blocks around the player or the block they look at, then have the data (assuming you are using a .schematic file) detect if all of the blocks are in place based on 3d grid graphing and array tests for checking each block individually based on the file. Hope this helps!
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