How will MySql and Sqlite affect server performance?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Connor, Apr 30, 2011.

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    How will MySql and Sqlite databases affect my server's performace? Obviously I know that the more plugins I load on the server, the less efficient it will run. I am wondering, however, about the specific effects of using these databases.

    Also, are Mysql and Sqlite more efficient databases than flatfile?
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    Mysql and Sqlite shouldnt affect anything if u got enough member depending on how many plugins you run cause every plugin uses some of ur memory and ram but ive noticed Mysql and Sqlite only use memory
  3. Offline


    Assuming I know what your meaning to say... MySql and Sqlite use HDD? And *not* RAM?
  4. Offline


    Yes HDD lol
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    MySQL is much more efficient and much faster than FF, if you use it you should notice a performance difference. Sqlite is a flat file version of MySQL, it has to read from the HDD and thus is slower, but its a powerful db system.
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