How to start a plugin?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Major_Derp, Dec 22, 2012.

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    I am fairly new to java, and i have watches some basic tutorials on basic java programming, and i know other programming languages, but when it comes to minecraft plugins, i am so clueless. I wanted to know how could i get started on a minecraft plugin to make a cow hostile. I already have the basics, like the OnEnable/disable/Etc, but i have my second class MyEntityEvent and i want to know how i would get started in creating the stuff needed to make the class work. Any help, or any references would be nice.
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    nono, videos are bad. They can be outdated. Use the bukkit text tutorial as it's always updated.
  3. True. I never learned the bukkit API (still learning) from a video. Text is the way to go from there.
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    i have to disagree bukkits api hardly ever have massive changes use thebcbroz tutorials
    he regularly makes them.
    i learnt from him.
    MrBluebear3 likes this.
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    I currently am learning some of the language from Newboston, and i did look at the bukkit api, and event stuff, but i think thebcbros was actually pretty helpful, hopefully it will help me get started, thanks for the help!
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    not to mention bukkits tutorials are lacking imo
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    The java docs are also the best documentation for bukkit.

    For your plugin, you would need to use the cows navigation, send the cow towards the player, then damage the player with the source being the cow. I think it would be a bit too hard for a first plugin though.
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    Go with what tommycake50 said. I learned from thebcbroz too, they're easy to understand, cover a large base of bukkit knowledge, and I like his accent. :3
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    Yes, i looked over some of his videos, and they were great, now i just have to modify the code a little and ill be on my way :D
    Ill look through those too, and i know it is really hard, and i have a test plugin built which blinds when an entity attacks, but i am really centered on making this plugin! And thanks for the extra info
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