Solved How to spawn hidden entities

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Deleted user, May 22, 2014.

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  1. Joiner Il be honest with you, if you do not know how to extend entity and send packets, Il suggest you to use some plugins instead of creating one... if you do want to break your head with NMS/packets, theres some nice tutorials in Resources section,
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    The destroy packet is pointless.

    Well, with an invisibility potion, but...
    So, if you really want to do this (again, for the last time, it's useless), use ProtocolLib to send a spawn packet for an entity (with an invis effect) and then monitor for incoming attack packets (Since the entity isn't real it won't fire event The server will ignore the attack packetes).
  3. Garris0n but then the rest of the people will see the mob/invisible player and if he will randomally hit the entity (rarly happend) it might detect him aswell :)
  4. Offline


    How would they see it? You're only sending a spawn packet to one player...
  5. Garris0n youre sending the packet with the mob id, means the mob is exists and everyone will see it...
  6. Someone_Like_You That's not exactly how it works. Just because you send a packet to one player, the server doesn't think "Ooo, I'll just send it to the rest of the players" generally.
  7. Offline


    Not if you don't add it to the world.
    Someone_Like_You likes this.
  8. Garris0n didnt thought about that... :)

    AdamQpzm I said that he will have to send the packet to the player he wants to see npc, and for the rest destroy packet.
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    Deleted user

  10. Joiner I just told you 3 times, Im not going to write all what I told you again... but I will suggest you to play bit with packets and NMS (extend few entities.. its fun :) ) and then try make your anti-cheat (?)...
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    what about hot cup of no?
    about hot cup of no?
    hot cup of no?
    cup of no?
    of no?


    You can't spawn hidden entity for player, player can aware of it or not aware of it, there is no way to make entity "halfaware" or "quadaware"
    Someone_Like_You likes this.
  12. Offline

    Deleted user

    RawCode PlayerEsp or Tracer does not tell about mobs.
    Someone_Like_You So there aren't any functions. Ok, it doesn't matter. I don't want to learn about an external library.
    Thank you very much.
  13. Joiner When did I talked about external library?... I said you should try extend entity :eek: means to override and change the entity as what you want, so an example would be to store player uuid in the entity class, and overriding h() method to teleport the entity to the back of the player every tick...
    also, clients now days are much more advanced than they used to be, some can show you the entity hitbox even if its invisible... I also tried to make anti cheat... gave up after a while.. :)
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    Deleted user

    Someone_Like_You I don't know about Java and Bukkit very well. I don't know about classes very well.
    I avoid, I prefer easy functions.
    1. <Player>.setHealth(0); // Easy method
  15. Joiner bukkit is quite limiting you compare to what you can do in minecraft (NMS), Il suggest you again : try nms and packets, theres lots of helpfull information in resources... you cant "stop" mob noise with bukkit.. (so far as I know, you can stop damage/death, but not idle)
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    Deleted user

  17. Offline


    Get a better client...
    xTigerRebornx likes this.
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    i will explain more.

    client will track and render mobs (and produce sounds and draw nice icons on minimap or redglow behind walls) after received spawn packet.

    a bit more advanced clients have buildin protection versus some methods of entity hiding, ever if you sent despawn packet manually, entity will be rendered in client because server still sending update packets, this is reason of "vanish no packet" like plugins to exist long time before protocol lib.
  19. Offline


    I believe all mob sounds are produced by the server.
  20. Offline


    it's damn easy to check, is network protocol have packet for sounds?
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