How to make multiple servers with numbered I.Ps?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Caprei, Jul 28, 2013.

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    Hi, I'm not sure if this is a "bukkit help" thing if it's not i'm really sorry and i'd appreciate it if a mod could move this. If it's not even a bukkit thing then huge facepalm for me and i'm really sorry. So i'm just wondering I often see servers which have like the main server, let's say the I.P is then they have and and so on, just wondering how this is done? Is it a plugin which allows you to do it? Do you need separate hosts? Or how does it work? Thanks again and i'm super sorry if this is in the wrong section/has nothing to do with bukkit.

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    its called sub domains, but now a days everyone uses bungee
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    This isn't any bukkit magic or plugin, its just DNS. It's no different from how '' takes you to the forums and takes you to the bukkitdev.

    The reason you're confused is because you say: "Lets say the IP Is". is *NOT* an IP Address... IP Addresses are always strictly numeric. is a domain name. domain names can be mapped to IP Addresses by things called DNS Servers. in this case. and likely map to different IP Addresses and are handled by 2 separate and unique minecraft servers. of course this isn't always the case, they might point to the very same server w/ a bungeecord instance. Proxies like bungeecord or lilypad can look at the hostname that was requested, and forward you to the correct server based on that.
    tanveergt5 likes this.
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