how to hook a core system and other jars together?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by arnie231, Jul 22, 2012.

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    Hey all I'm working on recoding a plugin of mine and spliting into a core and 3 other jars

    what i want to do is have the CORE in the plugins folder then in the CORE folder there is a JAR folder and in that is the add ons and then once you enable it within the CORE config and if its in the Jar folder it will hook together

    Can i get some help with this
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    Split up the methods into different projects. Export, and add 'Depends' in your pluginyml, for the main core
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    this isnt really what I'm after

    what I'm after is something like Citizens where it has the Main jar in the plugin folder but in a sub folder is the npc jars
  4. Offline


    Read my post again.

    Split the project, add depends.
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    Could you expand on what you mean
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    You will need to make different Jars.
    So export them as arnie231 says,

    If you need any help, i could give you some. Feel free to add me on skype: harmjan.versluis
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    You'd have to make different jar files(separate projects in eclipse is the easiest way), and then load them from your main plugin. I'm doing this in one of my plugins, and to figure out how I looked a lot at their source code. Even without some of the things like dependencies, it's not a simple task, and you'll generally need some sort of file containing the path to the main.
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