How to get info from a yaml in another plugin's directory

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by colony88, Nov 29, 2012.

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    Anyone has an idea on how to do this?

    I want to get info from a YAML file from e.g. folder "b", while my plugin uses folder "a".
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    Simply get the plugin by Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("NAME_OF_THE_PLUGIN").
    If you want to use the default config.yml you can then simply get that plugin's config with getConfig().
    If you want to use another YAML-Config of the plugin you have to see this:
    Mirroring the JavaPlugin implementation
    For configFile you have to use the other plugin's data folder, reachable by getDataFolder().
    Create a custom config with that file and you can use it like a normal config.
    colony88 likes this.
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    To get the location in a File object:
    1. File plugins = plugin.getDataFolder().getParentFile();
    2. File folder = new File(plugins.getPath()+File.separator+"folder"+File.separator+"file.yml");

    This gets you <server directory>/plugins/folder/file.yml. Note that you have to create the folder yourself (As already noted by the link sd5 posted
    colony88 likes this.
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    Thanks guys, I appreciate all of your help :)
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    How can I get information from a file if it isn't a Yaml?
  6. Why make things so complicated?
    File file = new File(otherPlugin.getDataFolder(), "file.yml");

    colony88 Get the file like shown above, then do whatever you want to do with it.

    //EDIT: But keep in mind that some plugins save async, so they might have a file lock that you need to check/set (most likely a AtomicBoolean) before accessing the file!
  7. if you need to get the config from another plugin, do Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("pluginName").getConfig()
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    Well it isn't a config, it's the records file from pvprewards... I still need to learn how to write to types other than yaml.
  9. As this is more of a generic Java question you should maybe google for howtos. Also I'm pretty sure the forum search function might help you.
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    He wanted another folder in there, so that is why I did it a little bit harder ;3
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