How to find what plugins a server is running.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by roxicodine, Oct 28, 2011.

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    i joined a server, and i see alot of people using the faction and runecraft. runing /pl or /plugins nothing comes up.

    how i can see what they're running so i can use commands?

    is there a way?
  2. Offline


    Good chance that they disabled those commands so people couldn't join and steal their plugins.
  3. Offline


    It's impossible to tell on what Plugin is used on servers If they disabled the /pl /plugins command. Why would you want to have their commands? You can get Plugins that's already enough for what your doing with your friends. Almost every server has a /help command which shows all the Commands that the Admin permits users to use.
  4. Offline


    Actually, there is another way to see them. I just had someone log on to my server and proceed to list all of my plugins, even ones that have no commands, are not mentioned anywhere, and are very obscure (or custom). And yes, I have both /plugins and /pl disabled.
  5. Offline


    In your permissions.config, give all groups the "- -bukkit.command.*" /plugins and /pl isn't the only way people can get access to a list of your plugins, There's /? and if you type /version or /about and press the tab key, it will list every plugin.

    Hope you found this information useful =)
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  7. Offline


    Just because there's another way it doesn't make any of us wrong.
  8. Offline


    "It's impossible to tell on what Plugin is used on servers If they disabled the /pl /plugins command." This is wrong.
    DrPyroCupcake likes this.
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