How to disable "/help" from revealing plugins?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Trinax, Jun 20, 2016.

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Trinax Looks like the essentials help, just remove the permissions for it.
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    I don't use the plugin essentials. In replacement for the essentials plugin, I use ultimateCore.
    These are the permissions I currently have on for user:
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Trinax Could try that.
    Think that it will try the plugin one though.
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    Seems like the plugin overwrites the bukkit one anyways.
    This still doesn't solve the problem, though. The only difference with removing the last one was that now people can't use the /help command.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Trinax Having a different plugin override it might work.
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    Any suggestions? I've tried HideAndCustomPlugins, but that one doesn't disable the plugins in /Help.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Something for just /help will do.
    DynamicAliases might fit
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    Is that a plugin and if so, could you like me the plugin?
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    I Al Istannen

    Master google has delivered:
    But yes, by chance it is actually timtowers plugin. The link should also be in his signature.
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    How would I sett up the config in DynamicAliases for this issue regarding "/help"?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    In the default config there should be something like TimtowerIsAwesome (yeah, I know, I am bad)
    Replace that with "help" and change the messages / commands.
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    What is messages for and what and how shall I input in commands?
    Could you give me an example of how I would look, as I don't really understand the explanation in the config.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Trinax Messages: things that will be send to the player.
    Commands: commands that the player will run.

    You should clear the Commands section or let it use /bukkit:help (or is it minecraft:help?)
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    Like this: ?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Trinax I think that that should work.
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    I can't seem to get it working anymore. I was trying to add more aliases, but I guess I managed to do something wrong when fixing on the config.
    I use Essentials and UltimateCore. I've disabled the Essentials and bukkit /help and enabled the UltimateCore /help, so there shouldn't be any plugins interfering.
    I added the permissions for all 3 just in case.

    # Anything that is empty will default to an empty object.
    # If a command in the commands list of an alias contains {args} then the plugin will put the used command arguments there
        description: You can give your own description
        usage: /help
        permission-message: You don't have the power to make timtower awesome!
        - '&6Need help from the staff? Make a /ticket.'
        - '&e----------------------------------------'
        - '&3Welcome to EvolvedMC!'
        - '&3Use the commands below to help you!'
        - '&2/Vote &7-- Vote to Earn Prizes'
        - '&2/Ad&7-- Watch an ad to Earn cool Prizes'
        - '&2/f &7-- View Faction commands'
        - '&2/mcmmo &7-- View mcMMO commands'
        - '&2/pay <player> <amount> &7-- Pay someone'
        - '&2/msg <player> <message> &7-- Message someone'
        - '&2/r &7-- Quickly reply to someone'
        - '&2/suicide &7-- Commit suicide'
        - '&2/buycraft &7-- Browse our store with many awesome perks and items!'
        - '&e----------------------------------------'
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Trinax Yeah, it only supports 1 permission that you need to have for the command to work. Remove it instead.
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    After removing the 2 other permissions, it still won't work as it should. Any ideas?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    The reason I haven't answered you before now is because I got it working again, but then again it stoped working! :p
    I only use Essentials this time.

    Here you have the config
    # Anything that is empty will default to an empty object.
    # If a command in the commands list of an alias contains {args} then the plugin will put the used command arguments there
        description: You can give your own description
        usage: /help
        permission-message: You don't have the power to make timtower awesome!
        - '&6Need help from the staff? Make a /ticket.'
        - '&e----------------------------------------'
        - '&3Welcome to EvolvedMC!'
        - '&3Use the commands below to help you!'
        - '&2/Vote &7-- Vote to Earn Prizes'
        - '&2/Ad&7-- Watch an ad to Earn cool Prizes'
        - '&2/f &7-- View Faction commands'
        - '&2/mcmmo &7-- View mcMMO commands'
        - '&2/pay <player> <amount> &7-- Pay someone'
        - '&2/msg <player> <message> &7-- Message someone'
        - '&2/r &7-- Quickly reply to someone'
        - '&2/suicide &7-- Commit suicide'
        - '&2/buycraft &7-- Browse our store with many awesome perks and items!'
        - '&e----------------------------------------'
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