Solved How to detect if a player togglesneak 2 times

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by bennie3211, Dec 1, 2014.

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    Hello Bukkit,

    I've a question, I'm trying to detect if a player toggles 2 times in sneak modes. But I'm what the best way is to do this. What I'm trying to make is that when a player walks, then sneaks, stop sneaking and then sneaks again (and hold the sneak key) it activates something.

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    Just make a hashmap and when the player sneaks, add +1 to his name!
    And when it reached 2, activate something!
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    bennie3211 jusjus112

    Alternatively, add Metadata to your player and a timestamp. That way you can actually check how long between presses.
    bennie3211 and jusjus112 like this.
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    mythbusterma Hmhmm didn't think of that xD I think I wil do that. Thnx!
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    Remember to delete the metadata/hashmap record after awhile or they will stack causing memory leak in time.
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    You don't have to delete the metadata entry, it will be cleaned up when the player logs out.
    bennie3211 likes this.
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    Oh i didnt know that :p
    bennie3211 likes this.
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