How to check value in HashMap with if()

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Doubtstand, Aug 12, 2015.

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    The case is that I save the rank of a player in a hashmap, so it will be player UUID with a value of player or user bound to it. My question was how I can check what rank they have with if(), because I need to only do something if a player is an admin( and I dont want to check for OP ).
  2. Get the value with hashmap.get(key)
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    For a HashMap<UUID, Rank (or whatever you are storing)> you would just do

    // assuming Rank is an enum
    HashMap<UUID, Rank> rankMap = new HashMap();
    UUID uuid = player.getUniqueId();
    if (rankMap.containsKey(uuid) && rankMap.get(uuid).equals(Rank.ADMIN))
        // do stuff here
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