Solved How to check if WG region is __global__?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ROKLGAMES, May 10, 2013.

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    I've already tried checking for null because the __global__ regions isnt a region at all, but it passes through the check. Ive tried getting the name for the area but all that gets returned is nothing. I have never used the WG api before so i am very new to it, so i couldnt find anything to check for this global area. I need a check that can identify whether the region is only __global__, can anyone help me?
  2. Offline


    __global__ isn't really a region as such, it is more of a set of allowances.
  3. Offline


    Yes i know that, so how do i go about checking if a player is in __global__?
  4. Offline


    A player is always in __global__??
  5. Offline


    Yes, i see that. I mean how would i check if a player is in the area that is not defined or "Global Area"?
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    Just get a list of regions that player is in, and if its empty, they're not in a region.
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    That is what i've been trying. mind showing some code?
  8. Offline


    1. if (WorldGuard.getRegionManager(world).getApplicableRegions(location).size() == 0) {
    2. // No regions
    3. }
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    Wonderful! I can't believe i didn't try that! I'm so tired i must have missed using .size(). Thank you for the help :)
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