How to check if plugin is enabled?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by The Wiseman, Nov 23, 2011.

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    The Wiseman

    I am trying to figure out how I can determine if a plugin is enabled or not. In this case, I am checking if mcMMO is enabled or not. I am getting this error:

    My variable is this (Line 15)
    Plugin isMcMMOEnabled = getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("mcMMO");
    I also tried this with isPluginEnabled("mcMMO"); But that did not work either.

    Any ideas?
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    In plugin.yml, put

    depend: [mcMMO]
    See if that works.
  3. As @Jaker232 said, if you put depend: [mcMMO] in your plugin.yml, Bukkit will make sure mcMMO is loaded before your plugin.
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    The Wiseman

    I highly doubt that will work. The plugin itself is not dependent on mcMMO at all. It is an option though.
  5. Offline


    For more help on depend: [mcMMO] click this link or load the plugin.yml reference.
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    If it's an option, then do "softdepend: [mcMMO]"
    That will make it load mcMMO if it's there.

  7. Oh, I completely forgot about softdepend. That'll help me in the future, thanks!
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