How to add Nodes with GroupManager:TUTORIAL

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Madster456, Dec 17, 2011.

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  1. What a server needs:
    you have started a server? Nice job. But if your planning on having it as a public server, your gunna want Permissions and Nodes set to stop those Nasty griefers!

    Well, how do i set it up?:
    Well first, go into your console and type this "op <yourUserName>" this will allow you to use commands in the game rather then in the console. Now that thats done, you want to get essentials.GroupManager or just GroupManager, there pretty much the same thing. After you have added that into the plugins folder, get nChat. This will allow you to change the prefixes and the color of them. ex: [Admin]Madster456

    Once you have those two plugins your ready to set ranks and the Nodes.
    Here is every single command that GroupManager uses:

        [B]description: Move a player to desired group.(Adds to the file if not exists)[/B]
    [B]    usage: /<command> <player> <group>[/B]
        permission: groupmanager.manuadd
    [B]    description: Remove any user specific configuration. Make him default group.[/B]
    [B]    usage: /<command> <player>[/B]
        permission: groupmanager.manudel
        description: Add a group to a player's subgroup list.
        usage: /<command> <player> <group>
        permission: groupmanager.manuaddsub
        description: Remove a group to a player's subgroup list.
        usage: /<command> <player> <group>
        permission: groupmanager.manudelsub
        description: Add group to the system.
        usage: /<command> <group>
        permission: groupmanager.mangadd
        description: Removes group from the system(all it's users become default)
        usage: /<command> <group>
        permission: groupmanager.mangdel
        description: Add permission diretly to the player.
        usage: /<command> <player> <permission>
        permission: groupmanager.manuaddp
        description: Removes permission diretly from the player.
        usage: /<command> <player> <permission>
        permission: groupmanager.manudelp
        description: List all permissions from a player.
        usage: /<command> <player>
        permission: groupmanager.manulistp
        description: Verify if user has a permission, and where it comes from.
        usage: /<command> <player> <permission>
        permission: groupmanager.manucheckp
    [B]    description: Add permission to a group.[/B]
    [B]    usage: /<command> <group> <permission>[/B]
        permission: groupmanager.mangaddp
    [B]    description: Removes permission from a group.[/B]
    [B]    usage: /<command> <group> <permission>[/B]
        permission: groupmanager.mangdelp
    [B]    description: Lists all permissions from a group.[/B]
    [B]    usage: /<command> <group>[/B]
        permission: groupmanager.manglistp
        description: Check if group has a permission, and where it comes from.
        usage: /<command> <group> <permission>
        permission: groupmanager.mangcheckp
        description: Add a group to another group inheritance list.
        usage: /<command> <group1> <group2>
        permission: groupmanager.mangaddi
        description: Remove a group from another group inheritance list.
        usage: /<command> <group1> <group2>
        permission: groupmanager.mangdeli
        description: Add, or replaces, a variable to a user (like prefix or suffix).
        usage: /<command> <user> <variable> <value>
        permission: groupmanager.manuaddv
        description: Remove a variable from a user.
        usage: /<command> <user> <variable>
        permission: groupmanager.manudelv
        description: List variables a user has (like prefix or suffix).
        usage: /<command> <user>
        permission: groupmanager.manulistv
        description: Verify a value of a variable of user, and where it comes from.
        usage: /<command> <user> <variable>
        permission: groupmanager.manucheckv
        description: Add, or replaces, a variable to a group (like prefix or suffix).
        usage: /<command> <group> <variable> <value>
        permission: groupmanager.mangaddv
        description: Remove a variable from a group.
        usage: /<command> <group> <variable>
        permission: groupmanager.mangdelv
        description: List variables a group has (like prefix or suffix).
        usage: /<command> <group>
        permission: groupmanager.manglistv
        description: Verify a value of a variable of group, and where it comes from.
        usage: /<command> <group> <variable>
        permission: groupmanager.mangckeckv
        description: Tell the group that user belongs.
        usage: /<command> <player>
        permission: groupmanager.manwhois
        description: Creates a temporary permission copy for that user.
        usage: /<command> <player>
        permission: groupmanager.tempadd
        description: Remove the temporary permission copy for player.
        usage: /<command> <player>
        permission: groupmanager.tempdel
        description: List players in overload-permissions mode made by /tempadd.
        usage: /<command>
        permission: groupmanager.templist
        description: Remove all overrides made by command /tempadd.
        usage: /<command>
        permission: groupmanager.tempdelall
        description: Save all permissions on file.
        usage: /<command>
        permission: groupmanager.mansave
        description: Reload current world and config.yml. Or load given world.
        usage: /<command> [world]
        permission: groupmanager.manload
    [B]    description: List the groups available.[/B]
    [B]    usage: /<command>[/B]
        permission: groupmanager.listgroups
        description: Promote a player in the same heritage line to a higher rank.
        usage: /<command> <player> <group>
        permission: groupmanager.manpromote
        description: Demote a player in the same heritage line to a lower rank.
        usage: /<command> <player> <group>
        permission: groupmanager.mandemote
        description: Toggle on/off the validating if player is online.
        usage: /<command>
        permission: groupmanager.mantogglevalidate
        description: Toggle on/ff the autosave.
        usage: /<command>
        permission: groupmanager.mantogglesave
        description: Prints the selected world name
        usage: /<command>
        permission: groupmanager.manworld
        description: Select a world to work with next commands.
        usage: /<command> <world>
        permission: groupmanager.manselect
        description: Clear world selection. Next commands will work on your world.
        usage: /<command>
        permission: groupmanager.manclear

    I have bolded the most important ones you will be using.

    setting Nodes:
    Setting nodes on GroupManager is actually easy. You may want someone online with you to test the nodes as you go along. When you set a node to a rank, all the ranks above it will inherit that node, ex: when you give builder permission to chat, all other ranks above builder will be able to chat. This makes it much easier then having to go back in and redoing it all for each rank.

    Im going to use CommandBin as an example for setting nodes. In the game, once you have OPed you need to get the nodes you want. So for CommandBin(what i use on my server) you would type this. /mangaddp <rank> <Permission>

    Ex: /mangaddp Builder CommandBin.teleport.tpall

    That will allow all builder players and any rank above that to use the command /tpall
    Your command wont be the same unless you use commandBin like me. For the nodes, you can either google it, Or look for the plugin post, the plugin developer most likley posted the nodes in the plugin Description.

    This was just a quick tutorial on the basics of setting nodes, If you ever need my help, just reply here, or Give me your server ip and i can hop on and help. Hope i could have helped some new CraftBukkit users with GroupManager.

    Have any questions? feel free to message me or leave a response below. Be sure to follow me as i will be making updates normally.

    Madster456 :)

  2. Offline


    Wow this is 2011 well, I use PEX, which is a whole lot simpler considering GM has a lot more to it.. Worlds Groups etc.. PEX is simple to use

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