Solved How do i make a new kit in essentials?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by gamefreak54321, Aug 1, 2012.

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    I want to add new kits to my server but cant figure out how. Can someone help me with that?
  2. Offline


    Look in your plugins/Essentials/config.yml file

    Type (windows/linux: CTRL+F) (mac: CMD+F) and search 'Kits'

    There will already be an example kit there, copy the block and change it to fit your needs.

    1. # Note: All items MUST be followed by a quantity!
    2. # All kit names should be lower case, and will be treated as lower in permissions/costs.
    3. # Syntax: - itemID[:DataValue] Amount [Enchantment:Level]..
    4. # 'delay' refers to the cooldown between how often you can use each kit, measured in seconds.
    5. kits:
    6. dtools:
    7. delay: 10
    8. items:
    9. - 277 1 efficiency:1
    10. - 278 1
    11. - 279:780 1
    12. tools:
    13. delay: 10
    14. items:
    15. - 272 1
    16. - 273 1
    17. - 274 1
    18. - 275 1
    19. tools:
    20. delay: 10
    21. items:
    22. - 272 1
    23. - 273 1
    24. - 274 1
    25. - 275 1
    gamefreak54321 likes this.
  3. Offline


    Thanks! That helped me a lot!
    andrewpo likes this.
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