Question How do I check the status of my post?

Discussion in 'Forum Feedback' started by FatherWh0, Sep 5, 2016.

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    A few weeks ago I posted in 'show off your bukkit server' and never saw the post again. As that forum is moderated I waited for my post to be approved or denied. I can assume by now that something has gone sideways. I don't see it in my content and haven't received an alert. Is there a way for me to check on the status of my post?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @FatherWh0 That was removed because it was a double post. You were asking the same thing as in another thread (which you had removed later)
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    Indeed I was informed it was in the wrong forum. Is it viable for me to post it in the correct thread now that it's removed?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @FatherWh0 Or you wait till somebody posts on the plugin page itself.
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