How do i change default flags in Worldguard??

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by andrewkm, Apr 8, 2011.

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    How? ... Seriously ... this is the only thing through google that comes up.. and for some reason its covered ><.

    Example: Create region which will have Chest-access=true (New default) and if you want to, you can change specific regions to Deny.
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    I just really think that... i don't want to create a region and set it up to let everyone use it, every time.
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    Did you ever figure it out? Because I am having trouble with that, too. :(:(
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    HOW? :mad:
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    Still researching this topic and coming up dry.... And BTW here a couple examples of flags that i want the defualt changed to.

    PvP (To make arenas not the other way around)
    Vehicles (really?... why is is the disable anyway?)
    Chest Access (I don't have anything to keep from friends.. except for 1 Box out of my many boxes.)
    Mob-Spawning (Really think this can be either way really.. most of them i turn on anyway tho.(Deny))

    Seriously!! How do you change default settings?!?
    P.S. Been looking for information on this on Google, these forums, and any other forums. THIS LONG!! No Luck!

    From World Guard Wiki - LINK

    This is very CLOSE... only problem is that it states that

    "The global region is NOT defualt values for new regions."

    But that's what i want.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  7. Offline


    *Push* sry for relaunch this but thats what i need 2 know too.
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    I Think The Easiest Way So Far is to copy the region flags and put them into the config for each region you create
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