Solved How Do I Add A Kit Permission To A Rank (GroupManager)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by TZ Slayr, Apr 7, 2015.

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    TZ Slayr

    Hello, I am trying to add a kit to my server donator rank "Vip", what is the command so anyone in the vip group can use /kit vip?

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    Mr. Evil

    If you have essentials here are the two permissions the group needs to be able to do the kit. Type this in the permissions section of your permissions plugin in the Vip section.

    essentials.kit.[name of kit goes here]

    If you are using groupmanager I know you can use /mangaddp Vip essentials.kit
    Once you do that command do /mangaddp Vip essentials.kit.[Name of the kit]
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