How did you?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by flash1110, Jul 13, 2014.

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    How did you learn how to code?

    Post your tips here. As well as actually how you learned it. Resources, books, videos, etc.
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    flash1110 Assuming you are referring to Java, Oracle's tutorials, Java for dummies, and a large amount of practice.
    Bukkit-wise, documentation, open source plugins, partially-deobfuscating NMS classes, and practice.
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    xTigerRebornx If you don't mind me asking, how many Java for dummies did you read? and how long did you learn for? How much do you know?
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    aidan573 I read only one of the books, and I've been learning for around a year (little less, little more, not really sure :p)
    I don't know as much as others, but I've made good progress.

    Edit: Its not something you can do overnight. I've worked with other programming languages before, so I have experience with some of the common things that are with programming languages and am able to think logically when writing code. Most of the 1-ish year has been practice and research.
    aidan573 likes this.
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    I suggest coming up with an idea for a plugin (assuming we're talking about CraftBukkit here), then start to write it. Although you'll need books (forget videos), writing something for yourself is much better than trying to follow abstract examples in books.
    I wrote a roulette program in a language called FOCAL on a DEC PDP-8/L with 4 k bytes of core memory in 1975, using a Teletype and paper tape.
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    Learning bukkit is really simple (if you java), I teached me everything I know from the api docs ( or by the api docs of the related plugins (like ProtocolLib).

    The "hard" part is learning java.
    There're three types of programmer who want to leran java:
    1. (best): they already know an OOP language (like C#)

    2. (normal): they already know a programming language (like Js, php, NOT html/css/xml)

    3. (worst): they haven't written a single line of code before

    You go from down to top. So if your're typ 3, learn 'simple' java steps, then learn OOP with java, then the bukkit api.

    I most learned with books (I recommend them), videos aren't that good (for me).
    Then of course coding itself: code to improve your coding! (learning by doing)
    Important: be realistic. Don't expect from you to write the new 3D game, if you started learning programming yesterday.
    Don't expect to code bukkit plugins in the next month, if you started learning java today.
    Learning to code may take several month/years!

    And the most important: Keep motivated. Then you'll finish your aim.
    flash1110 likes this.
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    Any other tips? Tricks on remembering certain pieces of code or syntax?
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    Update: I've created a server join message, server quit, whitelist, and server full message plugin. :)
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    Pretty much: Oracle's Java Tutorial, Plugin Tutorial, Bukkit Wikis, Books, the occasional video, and probably random sites found by searching.

    You could learn by experimenting.

    How I learned was I have past programming experience (From JavaScript) and I read Java For Dummies and used

    If you need tips to remember code, the guy on Java For Dummies said something along the lines of: 'What you do often, you will remember. What you don't do often, you forget as you're likely not going to use that information anymore'.
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    Java is the first programming language that I learned. Before, I had some experience scripting. I mostly learned from experimenting and reading.
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    I learned python years ago (Which I would highly recommend if you have zero programming experience), then I started getting into minecraft and saw this cool thing called bukkit. So I went on YouTube and watched pretty much watched all of thenewboston's tutorials on java. From there I started making small plugins like an MOTD and server message changers. To this day I still use a ton of the bukkit docs to aid me in my pursuit of making amazing plugins, but java gets way easier with practice.
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