How can we know if material is WOOD OAK or WOOD BIRCH etc.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by sbeex, Mar 29, 2012.

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    Hello devs !

    I try to get the kind of wood my player break. Like white one, black one etc. but with getType() I can only compare it to Material.WOOD ... There is no distinct names for differents wood.

    Do you have any idea how I can do it ?

    Thank's in advance :)
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    3. int item = event.getTypeId();
    5. if ((item == 17)) || ((item == 17:1)) || ((item == 17:2)) || ((item == 17:3))
    6. // do something
    7. [syntax][/syntax]
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    Thank you but it doesn't works ... event.getBlock().getTypeId() return an Integer and 17:2 will return a float or something like that I think that's why it's wrong.

    (I'm using 1.2.4 bukkit api)
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    The above code won't even compile.

    What you actually need to do is check the result of block.getData() (after you've verified that block.getType() == Material.WOOD for planks or Material.LOG for raw wood). The best reference for the data byte meanings is probably
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    Thank you desht :) just a small question the byte value should be 0, 1, 2, 3 according to that :

    Wood textures
    0 Oak Wood
    1 Pine/Spruce Wood
    2 Birch Wood
    3 Jungle Wood


    Thank you :)
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