How can I see the progress of the CraftBukkit team at getting the next RB?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by odielag, Jul 16, 2011.

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    I've been watching the site closely for a week it feels like and have yet to see any indicators on the progress towards the next recommended CraftBukkit version. How do you all measure the progress towards the next RB?
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    Is that really the best indicator of how long it will be until a new recommended build is out? A few days ago there seemed to be 14 tasks/features left to do, and now there are 13, with most of them having been up for 6 months.
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    There is no indication as to when an RB will be out. They are RBs because it's when the Bukkit team looks at the build, says to themselves "Well, this seems stable enough" and marks it an RB. There are no real milestones, or tasks that they are required to complete before they mark an RB, it's all judgement on their part.
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