How can I rename people's names above their names and add colors?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Tauryuu, Dec 26, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    I want to add colors to a player's name tag for a few second. I know how to make it last for a few seconds, but I don't know how to change their names.
  2. Offline


    I have played around with that a few times now.
    It is not possible using just the normal Bukkit API.

    You need to use Spout for this, and unfortunately the SpoutCraft client mod as well.
    In case you are willing to make your players install a mod, this is the method in
    the Spout API you need to use:

    -> SpoutAPI
  3. Offline


    Hmm. Then how did MobDisguise get it to work?
  4. Offline


    MobDisguise changes you into a completely different mob. That's what changes your name. Also, it uses Spout. It doesn't need the client, though.
  5. Offline


    MobDisguise no longer needs Spout, and it allows people disguise as any players.
  6. See it's source :p
    Most likely I think it creates a new entity with a new name, it doesn't actually change the name of the players.
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