How can I get the location weather

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by EvilPeanut, Feb 3, 2013.

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    I need to know if its storming / raining / snowing / sunny ect... at a certain location.
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    You can do world.getTime(), world.isThundering(), and world.hasStorm().
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    Just to be clear, the weather type depends on the biome. A "storm" happens worldwide at the same time, and it'll be snowing in snow biomes and raining in normal ones. It isn't possible to change a block's "weather type", nor is it possible to have a storm in one place but not another. That's just how it works.
    There's also thunder, which happens independently from storms but always happens worldwide.
    So yeah. What the guy above me said, I just wanted to elaborate on it a bit.
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