Solved How can I get 2 prefixes on a player without overriding the previous one?

Discussion in 'General Help' started by iLiveorLose, Oct 1, 2016.

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    Hello! I am trying to figure out how to get 2 prefixes on a player (e.g. [Mod] [DonatorRankHere] PlayerName123) so that when a staff member donates, they keep their staff rank and get the prefix + permissions for the rank they bought. I know not to use /manuadd with BuyCraft because that is not really a good practice, I will just add all the permissions (not really that many) and the prefix, instead of just adding them to that group.

    A few things you should know:
    1. I use GroupManager. I am not very willing to switch to PEX, as I have no clue how to use it and it seems way more complicated. Do not comment "PEX is so much better" without any help whatsoever.

    2. I would just add it as a subgroup, but that wouldn't give them the prefix too.

    3. I have tried plugins to make the suffix come before the player's name and make all donator/member ranks suffixes, and staff ranks prefixes, so that it will show [StaffRank] [NormalRank] PlayerName123, but every time I add my "»" symbol after their name (I use it to separate their name and chat, like the > symbol thing in vanilla) it always add a stupid smiley face before it. If I found out how to fix that problem, I would definitely go back to this [Prefix] [Suffix] PlayerName123 method.

    4. Now here's the pretty tricky part. I know if I add the prefix instead of overriding the previous one, if a member or any rank donates/upgrades, their name will be [Oldprefix] [Newprefix] PlayerName123. This is why I would really like a fix to my issue in number 3, because that method works way better.

    Thank you for taking the time to read all this, and I apologize to @bwfcwalshy as I told him that my problem was fixed in my last thread. I said it was fixed because I thought it was, but it turned out when I added the spaces the plugin wouldn't load correctly, so that's why it didn't work. After I changed it back, the smiley faces reappeared. Also, it was encoded as UTF-8 already, like you suggested to change it to. Thank you once again for reading all of this, I urgently need this fixed so I can release my server before Halloween.
  2. @iLiveorLose PEX is so much better :p

    Anyway, there aren't great ways to d this but a way is chat plugins like Essentials will allow you to change the chat format for groups. So you can do things like

    Admin: '&7[&cAdmin&7] %prefix% %username%&7: &c%message%'
    I know that won't be valid but it's an example.

    Then you can put them in Admin and like A for prison. Have A with a prefix and you will have 2
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    I checked the GroupManager config and there is no way to format their chat, just a way to change prefix/suffix. The only chat format related thing in Essentials config was the thing I said in my original post. Is there a separate plugin I need to download to do this (which is totally fine, I will be willing to download it as long as it solves this dreading issue) or do I need to add something to the config of GroupManager? Thanks for the quick reply and reading it all! Also, is there another way you would suggest to fix my method in number 3? Thanks!
  4. @iLiveorLose EssentialsChat and it's near the end of the config. As for number 3 not 100% sure of the issue if the file is encoded correctly. I am not home so I can't test but I'm sure someone can assist further.
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    I looked through the entire essentials config and I don't have it. I also noticed I don't have the separators between each individual essentials plugin (Like the commented out giant EssentialsChat thing). If you want me to send you my config, I will, but I most likely need a new config and updated essentials. Thanks for the help so far, I'll get back to you if I fix it or don't. If you find a solution to method 3 meanwhile, that would be great. Thank you!
  6. @iLiveorLose If you know what had been changed (Can easily be checked on sites) so you could generate a new file and just apply the changes again. It's strange you don't have the separators. I definitely think you should regenerate so you can easily edit it. Otherwise you can look at the default config (You'll be able to find it online somewhere) and see where the EssentialsChat stuff is and what the properties are called.
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    @bwfcwalshy Hi again, yesterday I generated a new config and filled in all the data to my previous settings, now I have the separators and a lot more options. Yay! One problem, when I tried group formats, they didn't work. I'll paste my config below:
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # |                   EssentialsChat                     | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # This section requires the EssentialsChat.jar to work.
      # If EssentialsChat is installed, this will define how far a player's voice travels, in blocks.  Set to 0 to make all chat global.
      # Note that users with the "" permission will hear everything, regardless of this setting.
      # Users with can override this by prefixing text with an exclamation mark (!)
      # Users with can override this by prefixing text with a question mark (?)
      # You can add command costs for shout/question by adding chat-shout and chat-question to the command costs section."
      radius: 0
      # Chat formatting can be done in two ways, you can either define a standard format for all chat.
      # Or you can give a group specific chat format, to give some extra variation.
      # For more information of chat formatting, check out the wiki:
      #format: '{DISPLAYNAME} &7\xbb&r {MESSAGE}'
      #format: '&7[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&r {MESSAGE}'
         Member: '{DISPLAYNAME} &7\xbb&r {MESSAGE}'
         Builder: '&7&l[&3&lBuilder&7&l]&r {DISPLAYNAME} &7\xbb&r {MESSAGE}'
         Helper: '&7&l[&d&lHelper&7&l]&r {DISPLAYNAME} &7\xbb&r {MESSAGE}'
         Moderator: '&7&l[&5&lMod&7&l]&r {DISPLAYNAME} &7\xbb&r {MESSAGE}'
         Admin: '&7&l[&c&lAdmin&7&l]&r {DISPLAYNAME} &7\xbb&r {MESSAGE}'
         Owner: '&7&l[&b&lOwner&7&l]&r {DISPLAYNAME} &7\xbb&r {MESSAGE}'
      # If you are using group formats make sure to remove the '#' to allow the setting to be read.
    It doesn't work. It just shows (I'm color coding it to give you a better idea of what it looks like, it doesn't actually say "&fItzLive" etc., it is just that color) "&fItzLive &7» &f<Message>". No group formats apply for any of the ranks. Member works only because I have a set prefix for it. Thanks in advance for all the help you've given me so far and I hope there is a solution to this. Sorry for not answering you sooner, I had to go to dinner pretty much right after I submitted that last reply.
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    @bwfcwalshy Yes.

    Version: EssentialsChat-2.x-SNAPSHOT
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    Haven't really read the replies, but what if you put [Prefix] [Suffix] PlayerName: Message instead. Sneaky little way to do it :p
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    I tried that already (as I said on number 3) but every method I tried to do that with didn't work or added a weird smiley face symbol in front of my little arrows :(
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    Ahh I see! :(
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    @oceantheskatr @bwfcwalshy YES!!!!!!!!! I GOT IT TO WORK! It turns out that I had a plugin I forgot to delete called SimplePrefix that was interfering with my group formats, then I turned "chatSetFormat" in the Factions config to false and it works fine! It says each rank and it isn't counted as a prefix, I added a prefix to myself and it kept the owner tag and added the prefix! Thank you very much to bwfcwalshy and thanks for trying to help oceantheskatr! Finally!!!
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    Awesome, congratulations! :)
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