How can I delete a world? (This is not supposed to be a prank)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Kierrow, Jan 19, 2012.

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    Hey, I'm currently developing a plugin which would allow you to draw your world
    (click here if you want to know some more).
    However, to generate biomes (not the world itself), I have set up a world generator which
    generates an empty world. This way, there won't be any time wasted on that.
    So I want to get the biomes of the world, this is why it creates a temporary one, which
    is the only way I've found to generate biomes based on a seed unfortunately.
    However, after I'm done working with the world, I'd like to delete it, as it's a temp world...
    But that is not possible.
    The only way I've tried is
    but that doesn't seem to work...

    So how can I do it?
    Of course, if you know a way to generate biomes without a temp world, but based on a seed,
    that would be cool too =P

    Thanks in advance,

    I did unload the world before trying to delete it.
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    I do believe your trying to delete files that are being used by a program, and windows (and other OSes) don't like that.

    Your best bet is to modify the vanilla world generator to only generate biome data.
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    It's probably what Fishrock said. You'll want to unload the world, then remove it.
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    Yeah I tried that. There has to be another way...
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    You have to delete it recursively. Something like this:

        private void deleteFolder(File file) {
            if (file.isDirectory()) {
                File[] files = file.listFiles();
                for (File f : files) {
    Chiller, Kierrow and DrAgonmoray like this.
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    I wouldn't worry about it. If a user wants to delete a world, they should do that, not the plugin. Thats likely why there is no "delete world" method implemented.
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