How can I convert minecraft long time to real hours and minutes?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by EvilPeanut, Jan 14, 2013.

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    I need to get the hours and minutes from the minecraft long time (loc.getWorld().getTime()).
    How can this be done?

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    From Bukkit Javadoc

    hours = Math.floor(time/1000)
    minutes = (time % 1000) / 1000 * 60

    ... I would say
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    Your method for returning the hours is working, thanks. However, your method for returning the minutes doesn't work.
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    1. long time = 13250L;
    2. int hours = (int) Math.floor(time / 1000);
    3. int minutes = (int) ((time % 1000) / 1000.0 * 60);
    5. System.out.println(time + " as rl-time is " + hours + ":" + minutes);

    Prints: "13250 as rl-time is 13:15"

    I made a floating point value out of one of the 1000's (-> 1000.0) so that java is working with floats here and not int/long.
    See: Java: Dividing 2 int's makes an int?
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    His method is mathematically correct. You must be doing something wrong.
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    EvilPeanut likes this.
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    Thanks, got it working!
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    You can use a Calendar to do it, this is the method I always use:

    static Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
    public static String convertLongToDate(long time){
    return cal.getTime().toString();
    You can also get the hours, minutes, etc. from this...

    You do:


    Just realized you want MineCraft time, not real world time. But this calendar thing is pretty cool too if you ever need it ;P
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    Here is my procedure :)
    1. public String timeToString(long time) {
    2. int hours = (int) ((time / 1000 + 8) % 24);
    3. int minutes = (int) (60 * (time % 1000) / 1000);
    4. return String.format("%02d:%02d", hours, minutes);
    5. }
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    To explain what fromgate does here: He shifts the time by eight hours forward, because, as you may already noticed, the world-time zero (0) is somewhere around sunrise and not exactly at midnight. I don't know where he got that number (8h) from, but it could fit pretty well (Thumbs up). Notice that not using floor() on this shifts the time a little bit further.
    Additionally he arranged the minutes-calculation in a way that the usage of floating point values is superfluous.

    Where do you got the interval from, fromgate?
    • Looking at your code it seems like the clock will jump from 0:29 to 1:30, could that be?
    • Not using floor() on the calculation of minutes allows the value '60' to appear, which would be the next hour. But I have the same problem with my code as I already hinted at.
    EvilPeanut, this could help you, too: Minecraft Wiki - Day-night cycle

    Plus let me implement the issues mentioned, I'll stick to the style of fromgate's function:
    1. public String timeToString(long time) {
    2. int hours = (int) ((Math.floor(time / 1000.0) + 8) % 24); // '8' is the offset
    3. int minutes = (int) Math.floor((time % 1000) / 1000.0 * 60);
    4. return String.format("%02d:%02d", hours, minutes);
    5. }
    fromgate and EvilPeanut like this.
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