How big is too big?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by aman207, Jun 30, 2014.

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    No not that you nasty people. I'm talking about .jar sizes. Right now, I created a .jar that is exactly 1MB including dependencies but compared to some of the other plugins, this seems rather large. I am using the maven shade plugin to shade the required dependencies, and even with <minimizeJar>true</minimizeJar> the .jar is still rather large.

    So my question is, is the size of a plugin really a concern? Should I split some features from my plugin into another plugin (such as an in-game support creating system which takes up a large chunk of my dependencies (httpcomponents and such)), or does it really matter that a plugin is just a bit larger than normal?
  2. You should never shade plugins. Only libs.
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    Sorry I must have said something wrong, I'm not shading plugins, just libs.
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    aman207 I don't think it really matters. What does matter is what code is being executed at runtime. A larger jar just means you have a lot of code or other files built in your jar.
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